noahcoolboy / funcaptcha

A library used to interact with funcaptchas.
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check token work #52

Open erbhosting opened 1 year ago

erbhosting commented 1 year ago

hi and thanks for your good work i have 2 problem first one i want send the image request with await time to solver and get the response and send with answer(); please tell me how could i do it next problem about token i want to know response token work or not check origin url that solve the captcha if origin url like that website they using it, response token work otherwise they give invalid captcha response. i think you using external link or iframe to get image and solve captcha, tell me how could i test this for my target thanks a lot

noahcoolboy commented 1 year ago


The funcaptcha library should work with the sony login page, as long as you configure it properly. This library does not "use an external link or iframe" or any sort of headless browser, and instead is a complete reimplementation of the code behind funcaptcha.

I'm afraid I don't understand your first question.

erbhosting commented 1 year ago

thanks for response please check your discord i want tell you how to configure it properly and i want log.console() token like this 757631cbc10141381.8457708605|r=eu-west-1|metabgclr=transparent|guitextcolor=%23000000|metaiconclr=%23555555|meta=3|meta_height=523|meta_width=558|pk=2CB16598-CB82-4CF7-B332-5990DB66F3AB|at=40|||| do you have telegram or other other app for contact with you?! my telegram is @erbhosting

noahcoolboy commented 1 year ago

I do not provide support outside of github issues and / or for things out of scope for the funcaptcha library. If you are having issues with the funcaptcha library itself (e.g. Access Denied error, invalid image output, misc. errors..) then this is the right place. If you are having issues with interacting with sony's APIs for the login process, then you should go look elsewhere. I suggest thoroughly reading the documentation for learning how to fetch tokens and send answers.

erbhosting commented 1 year ago

i read document but im php developer but need some help to run this for me i dont need login request of sony, i need help to send right answer with captcha solver, i need get response from ur code and send to solver and get answer,anything else please help me thanks a lot

noahcoolboy commented 1 year ago

The documentation is pretty clear on the available functions You can use challenge.getImage() to fetch the image of the captcha, which you can then send over to your solver Once your solver gives back a response, it can be sent to arkose labs using challenge.answer()

erbhosting commented 1 year ago

i do all but i have one problem when send request and get response i have problem with await and loop get ended but i need wait for response so please help me for this problem

noahcoolboy commented 1 year ago

I'm not sure I understand, please rephrase your question. If you struggle with await / async, read the documentation for it

erbhosting commented 1 year ago

thanks for ur helps i do all things but captcha.getImage() only get first one i use loop for get all waves but get first image could u help where is my problem? i mean if loop have 5 waves all 5 waves give me one image where is my problem?

noahcoolboy commented 1 year ago

getImage returns the image of the currnet wave You have to use the answer() method to get to the next wave, and thus to get the next image

erbhosting commented 1 year ago

thanks bro all done but i think arkos put bda in blacklist because after some request give me train captcha i think find it could i change bda request for bypass it?! or any changes for bypass this problem?! or change fingerprint to better response!!

noahcoolboy commented 1 year ago

The captcha with the train means the bda is perfectly fine and undetected. Also, this library does not use a fixed bda, but generates one on the stop every time.

erbhosting commented 1 year ago

i know its work but i change useragent and proxy captcha not changed i think because of fingerprint if any solution to change fingerprint tell me i can pay for it please answer me in discord

noahcoolboy commented 1 year ago

This is NOT a captcha bypass. You DO NOT magically skip captchas using this. You CAN NOT magically skip captchas using this.

The fingerprint is perfectly fine. You will get the same captchas as you would on the website.

erbhosting commented 1 year ago

ok thanks for response please tell me something about different with const fun = require("funcaptcha") and let fun = require("../lib"); ?! thanks

ItsCEED commented 1 year ago

Im more than sure that the BDA builder is far from fine at least for some sites, even with worse browser, the particular site im trying gives 1 to max 2 waves, while stock package give up to 20.

Edit: I modified the BDA builder to be proper for the site in question, and im getting the results that i want. Kudos.

noahcoolboy commented 1 year ago

@ItsCEED Would you mind providing the modifications you did and for which website? This would help me improve the library.

ItsCEED commented 1 year ago

@noahcoolboy any way to contact you? telegram/discord?

noahcoolboy commented 1 year ago

@ItsCEED Username's noahcoolboy on discord

erbhosting commented 1 year ago

Im more than sure that the BDA builder is far from fine at least for some sites, even with worse browser, the particular site im trying gives 1 to max 2 waves, while stock package give up to 20.

Edit: I modified the BDA builder to be proper for the site in question, and im getting the results that i want. Kudos.

i have same problem with my target could u help me what do u do for solving this problem?!