noahfrederick / vim-hemisu

A Vim color scheme with dark and light variants
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gnome-terminal 256 color black line numbers #1

Closed cmeiklejohn closed 12 years ago

cmeiklejohn commented 12 years ago

Running this theme, dark version, in gnome-terminal with 256 colors renders black line numbers.

noahfrederick commented 12 years ago

Unfortunately I'm limited to testing on Mac OS's 256-color terminal for the foreseeable future. Feel free to link me to a screenshot, if possible, and I may gain some insight. Thanks.

cmeiklejohn commented 12 years ago

See: Screenshot

noahfrederick commented 12 years ago

Other are reporting that it displays correctly in gnome-terminal if you set background=dark after setting the color scheme.

cmeiklejohn commented 12 years ago

That corrects a bunch of weird color-related things, but does not resolve the line numbers issue. The screenshot above is from after running set background=dark after setting the scheme.

tupton commented 12 years ago

I have this problem, too, in iTerm 2.

I switched the values for 'almostBlack' and 'darkGrey' so that their values were a little closer to what their names say. This makes line numbers a bit more visible. See noahfrederick/Hemisu#2 for the pull request.

tupton commented 12 years ago

@cmeiklejohn My pull request was merged. I think you'll find that line numbers show up now.

cmeiklejohn commented 12 years ago

Visible, but still very difficult to read. Thanks.

tupton commented 12 years ago

If you're using gnome-terminal, are you using the "Tango" color scheme? I use this color scheme in iTerm 2 and I can see the line numbers (but yes, they are somewhat faint). Also, is your terminal set to display 256 colors?

$ export TERM=xterm 
$ tput colors
$ export TERM=xterm-256color
$ tput colors

Put export TERM=xterm-256color somewhere in your .bashrc to enable 256 colors.

Of course, you may know all of this already. I admit, the line numbers are indeed pretty faint. I kind of like it, but if you want to change them, perhaps you could change s:subtle on line 127 ("NonText") to something different, like s:dimmed.

cmeiklejohn commented 12 years ago

I'm in 256 colors, and I'm using whatever the default color scheme is, I assume something like clearlooks, as I'm using xmonad with the xfce bindings. I've also verified that it looks the same in both gnome-terminal and terminator. I'll try going the route of changing the line numbers color.

noahfrederick commented 12 years ago

I was able to verify that the line numbers were still pretty faint in gnome-terminal. I had a chance to mess around with it a bit. @cmeiklejohn You should find that the line numbers now display as intended (as well as comments, which I upped the brightness on a bit too).

By the way, it looks like my suggestion of setting background again wipes out the color scheme, so I would in fact not do that. ;)

cmeiklejohn commented 12 years ago

Looks much better! Thank you.