Make sure to not commit unnecessary things like the .idea folder that is added in the commit, don't include that from now on, and also, changes like / endpoint to /home as volatile since they change a lot, and the postgreSql is correctly spelled, at least, from what I'm aware, since it works. The style of Pull Requests is best when they have no conflicts with the current project, and mainly add a feature such as a new page, or component, instead of editing files in this stage of development 👍
Make sure to not commit unnecessary things like the .idea folder that is added in the commit, don't include that from now on, and also, changes like / endpoint to /home as volatile since they change a lot, and the postgreSql is correctly spelled, at least, from what I'm aware, since it works. The style of Pull Requests is best when they have no conflicts with the current project, and mainly add a feature such as a new page, or component, instead of editing files in this stage of development 👍