noam-honig / wikiloc

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Refactoring the project codebase to pure React.js #19

Open develad opened 1 year ago

develad commented 1 year ago

A few suggestions:

  1. Moving all vanilla code to react code -> No styling and No elements inside the index.html (except the root div)
  2. Maybe adding a Routing system to mange the pages more efficiently -> react-router-dom; see attached image
  3. Making the design more user friendly with a new bottom Navigation-Bar with icons -> ex: CodePen bottom navigation bar + adding react-icons
  4. Displaying a loading spinner while fetching the results wikiloc
noam-honig commented 1 year ago
  1. I’ve placed the vanilla code in the index.html for search engine optimization, I want Google to instantly find theses texts. I think that if we’ll put it on the react app, the Seo rank will be lower.

2,3 a better design of the bottom is great, you can use iconhero or hero icon for the icons.

It just has to be very clear and simple for users - not sure how to get there

noam-honig commented 1 year ago

@develad let me know what you think

itaim18 commented 1 year ago

I feel like the app works relatively fast so a spinner would be redundant to a point it could actually harm. maybe just displaying a logo would do the job

develad commented 1 year ago

@itaim18 I disagree. I think the best practice is to show the user the spinner (it is just a SVG) especially if there is a data fetching going on in the background from an external api. Maybe the user is on a slow network connection. Anyway as a contributor I'm open for changes. Happy coding :)