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Convenience function to extract comments #42

Open noamross opened 5 years ago

noamross commented 5 years ago

Request from @cmzambranat, related to but a bit different from #10: A function to extract all the comments from a Word doc as a separate file.

Probably as simple as extract_comments(), with a similar RStudio add-in to the others that allows you to select the file and send to a new text file. Default would be to write a markdown document for these but an underlying function could return an R list structure for other processing. Metadata/title block can reflect the filename and date of extract

Will need to see how nested/reply comments work.

kguidonimartins commented 5 years ago

Did you see this function from docxtractr?

The idea came from here:

Maybe it can help you.

noamross commented 5 years ago

Thanks! Now, to import, copy, or port to my pandoc-based workflow? 🤔