noamt / elasticsearch-grails-plugin

The revived ElasticSearch grails plugin
Based on Graeme Rocher initial stub. Note that it is still in early stage.
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ElasticSearch 1.2.1 Not Found, is documentation wrong? #194

Closed neilabdev closed 7 years ago

neilabdev commented 7 years ago

While experiencing issues with using Elastic Search 1.2.0 in integration test in grails 3.2.6-8, such as not being unable to refresh the database each test inside the spec using deleteIndex() or unindex(), nor being able to index without explicit indexing of the item.

 elasticSearchService.index(item) // required to index an object, doesn't seem to trigger event in test
 elasticSearchAdminService?.deleteIndex() // deletes index but can't use it on next spec as there is no index recreated
 elasticSearchService?.unindex() // doesn't delete all items in index, unless specific item specified

I thought upgrading to 1.2.1 which is said to be current in the documentation at:

which reads:

Current version is 1.2.1 (for Grails 2.x the latest version is 0.1.0)

And there happens to be a 1.2.1 branch in the repository. However, conversely, the documentation version may be 1.2.1, instead of the application which has branch equally designated.

The error displayed is as follow:

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
A problem occurred configuring project ':app:paradesmith'.
> Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':app:paradesmith:runtime'.
   > Could not find org.grails.plugins:elasticsearch:1.2.1.
     Searched in the following locations:

In any case, before creating a separate issue regarding the aforementioned problems that I hoped 1.2.1 may resolve, I wan't to ensure that 1.2.0 was in fact the newest version, etc. Thanks so much for the hard work!

puneetbehl commented 7 years ago

@neilabdev Please test once again now, it should be fixed.

neilabdev commented 7 years ago

shablam! 1.2.1. is downloading just fine. Thanks so much for your efforts :)

As a side note should others face the testing issues, after looking at the tests in elasticsearch, I did notice you were manually indexing as I was, which is fine for testing. Just wasn't sure if that was normal not execute the callbacks. Thus 1.2.0 worked for me also.