nobiot / org-remark

Highlight & annotate text, EWW, Info, and EPUB
GNU General Public License v3.0
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preview the content under point #1

Closed randomwangran closed 3 years ago

randomwangran commented 3 years ago

Thanks for grouping this package. I find the ability to connect Org-mode notes is extremely useful. The format saving the annotations in Org-mode format is also intuitive for me, so it can be easily incorporated into Org-roam.

After a very short interaction with the code, I found something that might be useful. I jot down them in the issue tracker but do not feel any pressure on it. I am also trying to implement these features as well.

I find that we need to use om/open to open the notes.

I believe when the marker is visiting a marked object, it can prompt up the content of the associated annotation.

I will try to play with it using posframe.

randomwangran commented 3 years ago

By the way, which platform do you prefer? Org-roam discourse or GH issue tracker?

nobiot commented 3 years ago

I guess for this topic, we can share our conversations with OR community - this is about note taking and a tool that can be used as an extension to OR.

nobiot commented 3 years ago

and thanks for the comment.

I see that many people find a pop-up for editing margin notes useful. As tor this package, I would like to avoid dependency on another package. I am hoping that you can "hook up" a post frame or anything without changing the source. Let me know if there is something I can change to make it easy/possible.

randomwangran commented 3 years ago

Okay, I will put the discussion on OR.

If any technical issues, I will send them here when I am hooking up a posframe.