nobl / ioBroker.senec

ioBroker adapter for Senec Home
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Update stable version in repo from 0.0.0 to 1.6.11 #207

Closed GermanBluefox closed 4 months ago

GermanBluefox commented 6 months ago

Think about adding version 1.6.11 to stable repository.

Version: stable=0.0.0 (0 days old) => latest=1.6.11 (30 days old) Installs: stable=0 (0%), latest=156 (22.1%), total=706

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mcm1957 commented 4 months ago

Is this adapter still maintained?

Any reason to not release this adapter to stable repository?

nobl commented 4 months ago

yes. yes - time constraints.

mcm1957 commented 4 months ago

Thanks for the fast reply.

What kind of time constraints exist? Are there known problems which prohibit to publish the adapter? or is the time to click onto set as stable at to timeconsuming?

If you only miss time to triogger the publishing itself, please let me / us know. If release 1.6.11 is ok fro stable from your side, I can do the publishing task for you. But I cannot decide whther 1.6.11 is ok or faulty.

nobl commented 4 months ago

Die zusätzlichen Arbeiten, die für die Übernahme ins Stable notwendig sein dürften, kann ich aktuell schlichtweg nicht absehen und dafür auch kein Zeitbudget einplanen. Es sind ohnehin noch weitere Changes am Adapter geplant, da die API-Anbindung eine "Work in Progress" darstellt.

GermanBluefox commented 4 months ago

This issue seems to be outdated.

This issue suggests to update the stable version of this adapter to 1.6.11 but the current stable version is already 1.6.11.

So this issue should be closed.

@mcm1957 for evidence