noble / bleno

A Node.js module for implementing BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) peripherals
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Receive commands on one characteristic, send responses on another characteristic #397

Open EricGCooper opened 6 years ago

EricGCooper commented 6 years ago

Hello, I am working on an application which accepts commands on one characteristic and sends responses on a different characteristic.

The command characteristic is set to ‘write’ and onWriteRequest it parses the data and constructs a response, and then calls a sendData function exposed by the response characteristic.

The response characteristic is set to ‘read’ and ‘notify’ and in the onSubscribe function it saves the updateValueCallback in a member variable. It also implements the sendData function which takes the data as a parameter and calls the member variable update value callback function with the data. There are no errors on sending but the data does not arrive as viewed from HCI logs on an Android device.

Note that the main program creates a response characteristic and it is a parameter to the BlenoPrimaryService constructor and it is a global accessed by the command characteristic code.

I hope this makes sense and please let me know if there is more information I can provide,


EricGCooper commented 6 years ago

I have a different take on it, I now believe it is a general notify issue.

I changed the notify so that it is sent periodically per the answer here but it is still not received so it is not an issue of using different characteristic to notify. I also added a log onNotify and it is called on each notification.

I am using OSX as the peripheral and Android as the central.

Thanks again, Eric

bbnna commented 5 years ago

Hi, I'm working on a project and came up with the same issue. Did you find a solution in the meanwhile? Annika