nobleclem / jQuery-MultiSelect

Turn a multiselect list into a nice and easy to use list with checkboxes.
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move the item from 1 to 2 by pressing up and down arrow. #98

Open shaangidwani opened 6 years ago

shaangidwani commented 6 years ago

move the item from 1 to 2 by pressing up and down arrow. i.e. if i press down arrow it will move to one item to next item and if i press up arrow it will move to current item to up item.

when i click on dropdown and search is enable then it will automatically focus on search button and if i press down arrow it will move to the item selection area so that user does not required to click on any item by mouse for select perticular item.

nobleclem commented 6 years ago

I have read this a few times and it still makes no sense what your are talking about.

shaangidwani commented 6 years ago

Sorry for that. I mean to say i want to select the item by up and down key. Currently when press up and down key nothing happends.

shaangidwani commented 6 years ago

When i click on dropdown and search option is enable then it will automatically focus on search button.

nobleclem commented 6 years ago

The plugin is designed with keyboard accessibility in mind. You can tab through the options and use spacebar to de/select an option.

Not sure why when you open the dropdown search input is selected... Might be something else or your browser that is causing that. Its not the plugin.

shaangidwani commented 6 years ago

Ta and and space is workng fine bt generally users are habitual withip and down arrow like normal dropdown. We dont want user have to remember two things for one type of control.

Secondary if there is search user always want to do first instead of check the prefred option looking in long list. So need to focus on search when list is pulling.

  1. When user complete the search and user trying to select option then user need to select mouse for selecting first option then user can select another option by tab and space. Instead of that if up and down arrow is enabled then user just press down arrow from searchbox and control will directly jump on first option.

So this is fedback for make control more user friendly.