Open CTGUMARK opened 3 years ago
No plugin loaded with the given name "navfn/NavfnROS"!
Looks like you didn't install navfn
? Or did not configure it as a plugin. How does your parameter file look?
Thank you very much for replying to me, I have solved this problem, I would like to ask again, I put this plug-in in move Base alone, after getting the global path, I will track the path with PID. If I want to track the path and avoid obstacles in the track path, what should I do? Do you have any suggestions or your feature pack that can
achieve path tracking and obstacle avoidance? Thank you!
You cannot avoid obstacles with the PID. It's sole function is to track the path exactly. Avoiding obstacles would deviate from that purpose. In that case most other local planners will probably do!
Is there any mathematical principle derivation and blog recommendation for full path coverage in your feature pack? I would like to learn the mathematical principle first and then look at the code, thank you!Is there any mathematical principle derivation and blog recommendation for full path coverage in your feature pack? I would like to learn the mathematical principle first and then look at the code, thank you!
Thank you very much for replying to me, I have solved this problem, I would like to ask again, I put this plug-in in move Base alone, after getting the global path, I will track the path with PID. If I want to track the path and avoid obstacles in the track path, what should I do? Do you have any suggestions or your feature pack that can
achieve path tracking and obstacle avoidance? Thank you!
Hello, I met the same problem as you, how did you solve it? thank you
I am also getting the similar error
* /controller/Kd_lat: 0.3
* /controller/Kd_long: 0.5
* /controller/Ki_lat: 0.0
* /controller/Ki_long: 0.0
* /controller/Kp_lat: 4.0
* /controller/Kp_long: 2.0
* /controller/controller_debug_enabled: True
* /controller/l: 0.5
* /controller/track_base_link: True
* /coverage_progress/coverage_radius: 0.3
* /coverage_progress/map_frame: /coverage_map
* /coverage_progress/target_area/x: 10
* /coverage_progress/target_area/y: 10
* /grid_server/frame_id: map
* /interpolator/target_x_vel: 0.5
* /interpolator/target_yaw_vel: 0.4
* /mobile_robot_simulator/odometry_topic: /odom
* /mobile_robot_simulator/publish_map_transform: True
* /mobile_robot_simulator/publish_rate: 10.0
* /mobile_robot_simulator/velocity_topic: /move_base/cmd_vel
* /move_base/base_global_planner: SpiralSTC
* /move_base_flex/SpiralSTC/robot_radius: 0.3
* /move_base_flex/SpiralSTC/tool_radius: 0.3
* /move_base_flex/global_costmap/robot_radius: 0.3
* /move_base_flex/local_costmap/global_frame: odom
* /move_base_flex/local_costmap/height: 5.0
* /move_base_flex/local_costmap/publish_frequency: 5.0
* /move_base_flex/local_costmap/resolution: 0.05
* /move_base_flex/local_costmap/robot_base_frame: base_link
* /move_base_flex/local_costmap/rolling_window: True
* /move_base_flex/local_costmap/static_map: False
* /move_base_flex/local_costmap/update_frequency: 10.0
* /move_base_flex/local_costmap/width: 5.0
* /move_base_flex/planners: [{'type': 'full_c...
* /move_base_flex/tf_timeout: 1.5
* /rosdistro: melodic
* /rosversion: 1.14.13
controller (tracking_pid/controller)
coverage_progress (full_coverage_path_planner/coverage_progress)
grid_server (map_server/map_server)
interpolator (tracking_pid/path_interpolator)
map_to_coveragemap (tf/static_transform_publisher)
mobile_robot_simulator (mobile_robot_simulator/mobile_robot_simulator_node)
move_base (mbf_costmap_nav/
move_base_flex (mbf_costmap_nav/mbf_costmap_nav)
publish_simple_goal (rostopic/rostopic)
rviz (rviz/rviz)
auto-starting new master
process[master]: started with pid [15681]
setting /run_id to 7a4fbeba-119e-11ed-8edd-c858c025e6d0
process[rosout-1]: started with pid [15703]
started core service [/rosout]
process[move_base_flex-2]: started with pid [15710]
process[move_base-3]: started with pid [15711]
process[mobile_robot_simulator-4]: started with pid [15712]
process[grid_server-5]: started with pid [15717]
process[interpolator-6]: started with pid [15724]
process[controller-7]: started with pid [15727]
process[map_to_coveragemap-8]: started with pid [15734]
process[coverage_progress-9]: started with pid [15736]
process[publish_simple_goal-10]: started with pid [15739]
process[rviz-11]: started with pid [15750]
[ INFO] [1659360788.553002393]: CONTROLLER PARAMETERS
[ INFO] [1659360788.553596440]: -----------------------------------------
[ INFO] [1659360788.553612603]: Controller enabled: 1
[ INFO] [1659360788.553620264]: Controller DEBUG enabled: 1
[ INFO] [1659360788.553632370]: Distance L: 0.500000
[ INFO] [1659360788.553640764]: Feedback (long, lat, ang): (1, 1, 1)
[ INFO] [1659360788.553649345]: Feedforward (long, lat, ang): (1, 1, 0)
[ INFO] [1659360788.553662447]: Longitudinal gains: (Kp: 2.000000, Ki, 0.000000, Kd, 0.500000)
[ INFO] [1659360788.553673810]: Lateral gains: (Kp: 4.000000, Ki, 0.000000, Kd, 0.300000)
[ INFO] [1659360788.553682997]: Angular gains: (Kp: 1.000000, Ki, 0.000000, Kd, 0.300000)
[ INFO] [1659360788.553691386]: Robot type (holonomic): (0)
[ INFO] [1659360788.553699701]: Track base link: (1)
[ INFO] [1659360788.553707756]: LPF cutoff frequency: 1/4 of sampling rate
[ INFO] [1659360788.553718839]: Integral-windup limit: 1000.000000
[ INFO] [1659360788.553727990]: Saturation limits xy: 10.000000/-10.000000
[ INFO] [1659360788.553736852]: Saturation limits ang: 10.000000/-10.000000
[ INFO] [1659360788.553745810]: map frame:
[ INFO] [1659360788.553753665]: base_link frame:
[ INFO] [1659360788.553761725]: -----------------------------------------
[ INFO] [1659360788.607664433]: Initialized mobile robot simulator
[ INFO] [1659360788.608945345]: --- Starting MobileRobot simulator
[ INFO] [1659360788.709176627]: Started mobile robot simulator update loop, listening on cmd_vel topic
[ WARN] [1659360788.911329727]: local_costmap: Parameter "plugins" not provided, loading pre-Hydro parameters
[ INFO] [1659360788.914934950]: local_costmap: Using plugin "obstacle_layer"
[ INFO] [1659360788.921080871]: Subscribed to Topics:
[ INFO] [1659360788.928310284]: local_costmap: Using plugin "inflation_layer"
[ WARN] [1659360788.962279748]: global_costmap: Parameter "plugins" not provided, loading pre-Hydro parameters
[ INFO] [1659360788.965696277]: global_costmap: Using plugin "obstacle_layer"
[ INFO] [1659360788.967469647]: Subscribed to Topics:
[ INFO] [1659360788.968902216]: Transform between map and base_link found
[ INFO] [1659360788.971587875]: global_costmap: Using plugin "inflation_layer"
[ERROR] [1659360789.011080322]: Failed to load the mapping: No parameter controllers
[ INFO] [1659360789.014115755]: The plugin with the type "full_coverage_path_planner/SpiralSTC" has been loaded successfully under the name "SpiralSTC".
[ WARN] [1659360789.014442883]: No controllers plugins configured! - Use the param "controllers", which must be a list of tuples with a name and a type.
[ WARN] [1659360789.014825923]: No recovery_behaviors plugins configured! - Use the param "recovery_behaviors", which must be a list of tuples with a name and a type.
[ INFO] [1659360789.051131579]: Odometry received on topic odom
[ INFO] [1659360790.094073178]: Initialized!
[ INFO] [1659360790.094168248]: Requesting grid!!
[ INFO] [1659360790.095654134]: nRows: 600 nCols: 600 nodeSize: 12
[ INFO] [1659360790.199630266]: naive cpp completed!
[ INFO] [1659360790.199681608]: Converting path to plan
[ INFO] [1659360790.199709763]: Received goalpoints with length: 858
[ INFO] [1659360790.200215487]: Plan ready containing 800 goals!
[ INFO] [1659360790.200232602]: Total visited: 802
[ INFO] [1659360790.200249078]: Total re-visited: 283
[ INFO] [1659360790.200264330]: Total accessible cells: 519
[ INFO] [1659360790.200282756]: Total accessible area: 186.840015
[ INFO] [1659360790.200298828]: Publishing plan!
[ INFO] [1659360790.200718708]: Plan published!
elapsed time: 0.110723
[ WARN] [1659360790.205153197]: No plugins loaded at all!
[ERROR] [1659360790.205392502]: The last action goal to "exe_path" has been REJECTED
^C[rviz-11] killing on exit
[publish_simple_goal-10] killing on exit
[coverage_progress-9] killing on exit
[map_to_coveragemap-8] killing on exit
[controller-7] killing on exit
[interpolator-6] killing on exit
[grid_server-5] killing on exit
[mobile_robot_simulator-4] killing on exit
[move_base-3] killing on exit
[move_base_flex-2] killing on exit
[ INFO] [1659360818.778078496]: Shutdown costmap navigation server.
[ INFO] [1659360818.778214899]: Cancel all goals for "get_path".
[ WARN] [1659360818.778264179]: Cancel planning failed or is not supported by the plugin. Wait until the current planning finished!
[ INFO] [1659360818.778381381]: Cancel all goals for "exe_path".
[ INFO] [1659360818.778419442]: Cancel all goals for "recovery".
[ INFO] [1659360818.778500762]: Stopping local and global costmap for shutdown
Warning: class_loader.ClassLoader: SEVERE WARNING!!! Attempting to unload library while objects created by this loader exist in the heap! You should delete your objects before attempting to unload the library or destroying the ClassLoader. The library will NOT be unloaded.
at line 122 in /tmp/binarydeb/ros-melodic-class-loader-0.4.1/src/class_loader.cpp
[rosout-1] killing on exit
[master] killing on exit
shutting down processing monitor...
... shutting down processing monitor complete
[ WARN] [1659360790.205153197]: No plugins loaded at all! [ERROR] [1659360790.205392502]: The last action goal to "exe_path" has been REJECTED
Seems like you did not configure a local planner? What does your yaml file look like?
i'm new at this and i don't know what file i should throw away so i will share them all controllers.yaml:
controller: holonomic_robot: false
mbf_tolerance_check: true dist_tolerance: 0.2 angle_tolerance: 0.5
local_costmap: global_frame: odom robot_base_frame: base_link update_frequency: 10.0 publish_frequency: 5.0 width: 5.0 height: 5.0 resolution: 0.05 static_map: false rolling_window: true
im working on turtlebot2 and fccp code is working on rviz. when i connect my computer and turtlebot2 i can add robotmodel and its moving on rviz but not in realtime.
FCPP is a global planner plugin, but the TrackingPID is not!. For an example on how to use FCPP in combination with TrackingPID, please see:
i configured my launch file like this: is this the right approach?
<?xml version="1.0"?>
I found 5 questions while running the test file. Can you answer me if you have time?
The error is as follows
This is my terminal log