nobleo / rviz_satellite

Display internet satellite imagery in RViz
Apache License 2.0
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Incorporate rviz Fixed Frame orientation #42

Closed schmrlng closed 5 years ago

schmrlng commented 6 years ago

Incorporates the orientation of the rviz Fixed Frame with respect to the AerialMapDisplay Robot frame (side note: maybe this should be called Map frame or Robot position?) so that the map changes orientation appropriately when the view frame is changed.

The effects of this PR may be visualized with, e.g., this launch file modified from launch/demo.launch (toggle between map and map_rot in the rviz Fixed Frame view):

    <!-- Send a static GPS fix to every new subscriber. Edit latitude and longitude in launch/demo.gps to use your own position. -->
    <node pkg="rostopic" type="rostopic" name="fake_gps_fix" args="pub /gps/fix sensor_msgs/NavSatFix --latch --file=$(find rviz_satellite)/launch/demo.gps" output="screen"/>

        args="0 0 0 0 0 0.09983341664682815 0.9950041652780258 map map_rot"

    <!-- Start rviz with a pre-configured AerialMap instance. It will use the fake GPS fix from above. -->
    <node pkg="rviz" type="rviz" name="rviz" args="-d $(find rviz_satellite)/launch/demo.rviz"/>

This PR also includes #40 (compatibility for ROS Melodic).

schra commented 5 years ago

@schmrlng Can you confirm that the current version 1.2.0 also incorporates the rviz fixed frame orientation, so that we can close this PR?

schra commented 5 years ago

I'll reopen this PR if you have any concerns