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Common Lisp Extension for VSCode
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(in-package :foo) not honored #175

Open snunez1 opened 9 months ago

snunez1 commented 9 months ago

If I execute the in-package function from the REPL the output suggests that the function successfully ran, however the package change never happens.

Also, it would be nice, once this is working, to change the REPL prompt to the new package name.

JoelHobson commented 1 month ago

I'm running into this as well, is there a workaround?

JoelHobson commented 1 month ago

Possibly important: Running (in-package ...) in the repl does not appear to change the value of *package* (which isn't surprising, but I thought it was worth pointing out).

I've found a solution for my needs though: To change the active package in the REPL, you can click on the name of the currently active package (the text that says "cl-user" in the attached screenshot). image

This will open a dropdown at the top of VSCode allowing you to select a new package: image

Find the package you want and click it, and the REPL prompt will move into that package.

Unless I missed it, I don't see this functionality documented in the readme, I figured it out by looking at the extension source. As someone attempting to learn CL, not knowing I could do this was a bit of a roadblock for me.