nobody43 / zabbix-mini-IPMI

Disk and CPU temperature monitoring for Linux, FreeBSD and Windows. LLD, trapper.
The Unlicense
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Executing check on client #72

Closed michlalp closed 1 year ago

michlalp commented 1 year ago

Hello, please what is the supposed way of executing check on client, currently items are type "trapper" so I should use some scheduler to execute script on client every minute?

nobody43 commented 1 year ago

Hi. You have to run the script this way: client$ python /etc/zabbix/scripts/ get "Example host" With task scheduler or cron. If it involves smartctl - it must be under admin privileges because of disk access.

Or, it might be more convenient to change it from the server: Template mini-IPMI v2 active -> Discovery list/CPU discovery -> Update interval.

But don't go with low values - the data might clog up. You might want to lower TIMEOUT (delay).

nobody43 commented 1 year ago

Hope that's solved. Let me know if you have other questions.