nobrainr / typescript-webpack-starter

⚡ create-ts-lib: A Starter Kit and a CLI to create your TypeScript / ES6 module bundled by Webpack without thinking about build or unit tests configurations. 🏠
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Add schematics bootstrap code (Angular, React, Vue, etc) #20

Open splincode opened 6 years ago

splincode commented 6 years ago

Angular has so-called schematics bootstrap code

$ create-ts-lib my-typescript-lib --collection=angular-starter
$ create-ts-lib my-typescript-lib --collection=react-starter
$ create-ts-lib my-typescript-lib --collection=vue-starter
emyann commented 5 years ago

@splincode Thanks for this suggestion! I really like the idea of having something like presets giving us more flexibility on the creation of the final project.

I will take a look at angular schematics, I am intrigued by their tree implementation. I will draft a prototype that allows to use the cli this way for example:

create-ts-lib create -p default | minimal -n app

Where Default and Minimal presets could be a composition of tools in these categories:

  1. Application Type (TS, ES6..), 2. Bundler(Webpack, Rollup), 3. Test Framework(Jest...), 4. Automatic Versionning (?) , 5. CI/CD (Travis, CircleCI)



What do you think ?