nobuhito / vscode.printcode

PrintCode added printing function to VS Code!!
MIT License
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Word Wrap #28

Open jscooksey opened 5 years ago

jscooksey commented 5 years ago

Having an issue with word wrap when printing. I'm printing to A4 size paper but PrintCode doesn't seem to include the full width of the paper for the code. It wraps the text, almost at half way across the page. If I increase or decrease the font size it still wraps at that mid point across the page. This shows the same in Chrome and Firefox firefoxwebpage chromewebpage chromeprintpreview chromeprintpreview

MorphBC commented 5 years ago

.vscode/extensions/nobuhito.printcode-3.0.0/src/content.js line 152

MorphBC commented 5 years ago

BUt u can also try to choose A3 instead of A4.