nocarryr / python-dispatch

Lightweight event handling for Python
MIT License
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Add 'copy_on_change' option for container properties #1

Closed nocarryr closed 7 years ago

nocarryr commented 7 years ago

Allows observation of previous state in callbacks. Default should remain False (no copies) since the size of containers could cause severe performance issues.

Nested containers that are emitting a change will begin the copy from the root, then each nested container will iterate and copy itself.

coveralls commented 7 years ago

Coverage Status

Coverage increased (+0.4%) to 96.867% when pulling eace40f273bfece3cd6e92335e3d9b460f283120 on copy-containers into c7662a1d21626c4b94e09384adf307f96b1a3cb3 on master.

coveralls commented 7 years ago

Coverage Status

Coverage increased (+0.4%) to 96.867% when pulling eace40f273bfece3cd6e92335e3d9b460f283120 on copy-containers into c7662a1d21626c4b94e09384adf307f96b1a3cb3 on master.

coveralls commented 7 years ago

Coverage Status

Coverage increased (+0.4%) to 96.867% when pulling eace40f273bfece3cd6e92335e3d9b460f283120 on copy-containers into c7662a1d21626c4b94e09384adf307f96b1a3cb3 on master.

coveralls commented 7 years ago

Coverage Status

Coverage increased (+0.4%) to 96.867% when pulling 418d0c9a2b81bfd4135728e812aeb98f69aa59a2 on copy-containers into c7662a1d21626c4b94e09384adf307f96b1a3cb3 on master.