nocejo / trev

Taskwarrior tasks reviewing script
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allow report names in [args] #18

Closed linuxcaffe closed 10 years ago

linuxcaffe commented 11 years ago

Trev currently seems to use the default report (next, unless you change your tw default) but what about allowing report-names as the last item in [args]? like; proj:foo list

or proj:foo next

or especially proj:foo info

the trailing argument first considered as a report-name, and failing that, considered to be a filter-argument.

Interestingly, the current version of trev will take the above commands, but completely ignore the trailing report-name.

linuxcaffe commented 11 years ago

and, in a sub-feature-request, a new option to change reports mid-session, how about

trev> :minimal

trev> :<tab> auto-complete from available reports would be nice too

(I'm taking some conventions from vit command options, kind of wishing trev and vit were more integrated)

( this is related to the discussion for #10 )

linuxcaffe commented 10 years ago

related to issue #25 (actually, #25 is more related to the sub-feature-request above)

linuxcaffe commented 10 years ago

this seems to work great in "trev2", closing this issue.