nocejo / trev

Taskwarrior tasks reviewing script
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new argument; -f ~/.task/review/[.txt] #22

Closed linuxcaffe closed 9 years ago

linuxcaffe commented 11 years ago

For more complex, multi-step reviews, the -f /pathto/[.txt] argument causes trev to take its arguments line-by-line from the target file. This will allow users to maintain several review-files, fully commented and of any complexity, and to start the process with a simple " -f".

linuxcaffe commented 9 years ago

here's an example (with liberal use of issue #22)

#This is an example trev review file, invoked with 'trev -f ~/.task/scripts/'
#Each line is like a trev command, invoked one after another, first to last.
#overdue tasks
++next -t 'These tasks are "next"'' -T 'These tasks are overdue \n (use "+" or "-" to start or stop it)' +OVERDUE -DUE list
#due tasks
++next -t 'These tasks are "next"'' -T 'These tasks are due \n (use "+" or "-" to start or stop it)' +DUE list
# active tasks
++next -t 'These tasks are active' -T 'These tasks have been started \n (use "+" or "-" to start or stop it)' +DUE list
++next -t 'These tasks are "next"'' -T 'These tasks are blocking other tasks \n (use "+" or "-" to start or stop it)' +BLOCKING ready
#high priority
++next -t 'These tasks are "next"'' -T 'These tasks are marked as high-priority \n (use "+" or "-" to start or stop it)' priority:H ready
#no project
++next -t 'These tasks are "next"'' -T 'These tasks have no project assigned \n (use "+" or "-" to start or stop it)' project.none: ready
++next -t 'These tasks are "next"'' -T 'These tasks are waiting (hidden until wait:date) \n (use "+" or "-"  to start or stop it)' waiting
linuxcaffe commented 9 years ago

A more comprehensive approach to a multi-step review file, might take into account other configuration options;

# active tasks
set seltag = active     # selection tag (fake, active is a report, not a tag)
set on     = start      # select action
set off    = stop       # unselect action
set upper  = These tasks are active
set lower  = Use "+" to start, and "-" to stop a task
set filter =
# next actions
set seltag = +next      
set on     = mod +next  
set off    = mod -next  
set upper  = These tasks are marked as Next Actions 
set lower  = Use "+" to add, and "-" to remove +next tag
set filter = +next
# overdue tasks
set seltag = +OVERDUE -DUE       
set on     = start
set off    = stop
set upper  = These tasks are overdue
set lower  = Use "+" to start, and "-" to stop a task
set filter = +OVERDUE -DUE

# marked for weekly review
set seltag = +w        
set on     = mod +w     
set off    = mod -w 
set upper  = These tasks are marked for weekly review
set lower  = Use "+" to add, and "-" to remove +w tag
set filter = +w

# tasks due "someday"
set seltag = +someday     
set on     = mod +someday 
set off    = mod -someday 
set upper  = These tasks are marked as "someday" (due 1/18/2038)
set lower  = Use "+" to add, and "-" to remove +someday tag
set filter = +someday
nocejo commented 9 years ago

Issues #19 (new argument; -t 'this is ++mark and Selected text'), #22 (new argument; -f ~/.task/review/[.txt]) and #23 (.rc option: info_view=on/off) give rise to the convenience of having a .trevrc file containing switches, default values and 'review modes'.

Specific review modes (as the active tasks, next actions,overdue tasks, marked for weekly review... proposed) can mimic the report mechanism in taskwarrior; i.e.: as the content:

report.minimal.columns    = id,description.count,tags.count,project
report.minimal.filter     = (status:pending or status:waiting)
report.minimal.labels     = ID,Description,Tags,Project
report.minimal.sort       = due-,project+/

defines the 'minimal' report in taskwarrior's ~/.taskrc file, some text like:

review.mode.calls.filter     = due.before:tomorrow

review.mode.calls.seltag     = +call

review.mode.calls.acton      = mod +call

review.mode.calls.actoff     = mod -call

review.mode.calls.prompt     = 'trev calls> ' # quotes to remark blank

review.mode.calls.lblstyle   = reverse bold

review.mode.calls.sepstyle   = underline bold

review.mode.calls.upaddtext  = Make these phone calls!

review.mode.calls.loaddtext  = These are high-urgency actionable tasks!

can define the 'calls' mode in some .trevrc file.

nocejo commented 9 years ago

Please, read 'urgency.over:12 +READY' instead of 'due.before:tomorrow'

nocejo commented 9 years ago

This is already implemented in rc file. Old issue.