nocejo / trev

Taskwarrior tasks reviewing script
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goto line number / goto task ID #29

Open linuxcaffe opened 9 years ago

linuxcaffe commented 9 years ago

This feature request is for 2 script-prompt options to goto a) a specific task ID b) a specific task in the review sequence from the trev> prompt.

To goto task 142, in a way similar to the task cli, just enter an ID number

trev> 142

to goto a specific task in the reviewing sequence, (just like goto line #N in vim) precede it with a ":" (a trev command as in #25) ;

trev> :142

that's the 142nd task in the sequence, and

trev> :1 

would re-start the current review.

When reviewing with trev, the sequence is probably more useful than the ID, as the IDs are not necessarily visible.

A logical extension to this idea, is the ability to jump forward or back N tasks in the sequence, and

trev> :+10


trev> :-2

shouldn't conflict with any other currently used syntax

As a bonus, with the ability of addressing a specific task in the sequence, one could "bookmark" a position in a review, to quit and resume in the same spot, by saving the specific trev invocation used, and the sequence number on exit. This might be a .taskrc config;

trev.bookmark = 7 ++week


trev.bookmark = 15 -f call

with the first argument being a sequence number

linuxcaffe commented 9 years ago

To write a bookmark to a taskrc config, and quit, this (very familiar) command could be used;

trev> :wq