nocejo / trev

Taskwarrior tasks reviewing script
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Explanatory messages in cascaded reviews #41

Open nocejo opened 9 years ago

nocejo commented 9 years ago

Complex, multi-step reviews can benefit from some remembering or explanatory messages between steps. These (optional) messages could be implemented as a parameter for the single named review in the configuration file.

A question : must these messages appear only when the single review is executed as part of a cascaded process or always? Perhaps this calls for another parameter (flag).

linuxcaffe commented 9 years ago

@nocejo; I'm glad you brought that up! I'be been thinking about explanatory messages, and looking at the layout od a "review", and thinking that a supplementary note (in addition to the text labels) might be beneficial. A note-text-file could be in a named-review configuration, or called from a new flag

-n < path/to/notefile.txt >


nocejo commented 9 years ago

This is a good idea. Are you thinking in long notes? Long as to put them in files?

linuxcaffe commented 9 years ago

I'm thinking of a) potentially longer than a single line (beyond what the labels can carry) but b) not so long that it forces a page-scroll (which is personal terminal/ font related) In my usage, on one of my smaller monitors, that would give an opportunity for somewhere between 1 and ~10 lines, which should be plenty of space for a breif explanation of the review methodology. The length of the note should not be constrained by the program, but by the author. In practice, a too-long-note would mess up the review screen.