Open jimbrig opened 2 months ago
The gmh_weekly_pre_leasing_report report includes various datasets that seem quite useful, specifically:
Starter Code:
entrata_reports_pre_lease_weekly <- function( property_ids = get_property_ids_filter_param(), period_type = c("daterange", "lastwk", "currentwk"), period_start_date = get_weekly_period_start_date(), period_end_date = as.character(format(lubridate::today(), "%m/%d/%Y")), consolidate_by = c("no_consolidation", "consolidate_all_properties", "consolidate_by_property_groups"), occupied_as_of_date = period_start_date, details_only = c("0", "1"), space_options = c("0", "1"), ... ) { # get report version latest_report_version <- get_latest_report_version("gmh_weekly_pre_leasing_report") # prepare property ids property_ids <- unlist(property_ids) names(property_ids) <- NULL # period type period_type <- rlang::arg_match(period_type, multiple = FALSE) # period period <- list( daterange = list( "daterange-start" = period_start_date, "daterange-end" = period_end_date ), "period_type" = period_type ) # occupied_as_of occupied_as_of <- list( date = occupied_as_of_date, period_type = "date" ) # consolidate_by consolidate_by <- rlang::arg_match(consolidate_by, multiple = FALSE) # details and space options details_only <- rlang::arg_match(details_only, multiple = FALSE) space_options <- rlang::arg_match(space_options, multiple = FALSE) # prepare report request method parameters req_method_params <- list( reportName = "gmh_weekly_pre_leasing_report", reportVersion = latest_report_version, filters = list( property_group_ids = property_ids, period = period, consolidate_by = consolidate_by, occupied_as_of = occupied_as_of, details_only = details_only#, # space_options = space_options ) ) # initialize progress cli::cli_progress_step( paste0( "Performing Entrata API Request for the ", "{.field gmh_weekly_pre_leasing_report} report..." ), msg_done = paste0( "Successfully retrieved data for the ", "{.field gmh_weekly_pre_leasing_report} report." ) ) # perform request to get the queue ID res_queue_id <- entrata( endpoint = "reports", method = "getReportData", method_version = "r3", method_params = req_method_params, perform = TRUE ) # extract queue id queue_id <- res_queue_id |> httr2::resp_body_json() |> purrr::pluck("response", "result", "queueId") cli::cli_progress_step( c( "Successfully retrieved the Queue ID (JWT) for the ", "{.field gmh_weekly_pre_leasing_report} report: {.field {queue_id}}" ), class = ".alert-success" ) # prepare request to get the report data req <- entrata( endpoint = "queue", method = "getResponse", version = "r1", method_params = list( queueId = queue_id, serviceName = "getReportData" ) ) |> httr2::req_retry( max_tries = 20, max_seconds = 120, is_transient = req_retry_is_transient ) cli::cli_progress_step( "Attempting to get report data using the queue id...", spinner = TRUE ) # perform request iteratively until get back a response res <- httr2::req_perform(req) # extract/parse content from response res_content <- res |> httr2::resp_body_json() cli::cli_progress_step( "Successfully retrieved report data for the {.field gmh_weekly_pre_leasing_report} report.", class = ".alert-success" ) if (!purrr::pluck_exists(res_content, "response", "result", "reportData")) { return(res_content) } res_data <- res_content |> purrr::pluck("response", "result", "reportData") # extract data extract_weekly_res_data(res_content) } extract_weekly_res_data <- function(res_data, ...) { leasing_summary <- purrr::pluck( res_data, "leasing_summary" ) |> purrr::map(tibble::as_tibble) |> dplyr::bind_rows() cumulative_rental_rate_summary <- purrr::pluck( res_data, "cumulative_rental_rate_summary" ) |> purrr::map(purrr::compact) |> purrr::map(tibble::as_tibble) |> dplyr::bind_rows() weekly_rental_rate_summary <- purrr::pluck( res_data, "weekly_rental_rate_summary" ) |> purrr::map(purrr::compact) |> purrr::map(tibble::as_tibble) |> dplyr::bind_rows() leasing_velocity <- purrr::pluck( res_data, "leasing_velocity" ) |> purrr::map(tibble::as_tibble) |> dplyr::bind_rows() other_monthly_income <- purrr::pluck( res_data, "other_monthly_income" ) |> purrr::map(tibble::as_tibble) |> dplyr::bind_rows() lease_term_summary <- purrr::pluck( res_data, "lease_term_summary" ) |> purrr::map(tibble::as_tibble) |> dplyr::bind_rows() leasing_summary_by_property <- leasing_summary |> dplyr::mutate( new_renewals = .data$renewals_stays - .data$renewal_transfers ) |> dplyr::group_by(.data$property_name) |> dplyr::summarise( bed_count = sum(.data$bed_count, na.rm = TRUE), leased_spaces_count = sum(.data$leased_spaces_count, na.rm = TRUE), left_to_lease = sum(.data$left_to_lease, na.rm = TRUE), new_leases = sum(.data$new_leases, na.rm = TRUE), new_renewals = sum(.data$new_renewals, na.rm = TRUE) ) |> dplyr::ungroup() |> dplyr::mutate( new_total = .data$new_leases + .data$new_renewals ) summary_data <- leasing_summary_by_property list( summary_data = summary_data, leasing_summary = leasing_summary, cumulative_rental_rate_summary = cumulative_rental_rate_summary, weekly_rental_rate_summary = weekly_rental_rate_summary, leasing_velocity = leasing_velocity, other_monthly_income = other_monthly_income, lease_term_summary = lease_term_summary ) } get_weekly_period_start_date = function(end_date = lubridate::today()) { hold <- lubridate::today() - lubridate::days(7) out <- format(hold, "%m/%d/%Y") |> as.character() out }
report includes various datasets that seem quite useful, specifically:leasing_summary
Starter Code: