nocodeleaks / quepasa

GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Saas #28

Open KatiaSishost opened 5 months ago

KatiaSishost commented 5 months ago

With ChatWoot, Not work with Second account (SaaS) only with main account and our users... But if u create a other admin account (other business) It no work.

archanjoco commented 5 months ago

Working fine around here. What kind of problem are you facing? Can you post some prints so we could take a look?

KatiaSishost commented 5 months ago

No second USER.... SECOND ACCOUNT from ChatWoot.

i can send the /qrcode and it work fine un account 1... in account2 the contact is added but when i send /qrcode it no response

archanjoco commented 5 months ago

The n8n flow starts? What do you see in the previous executions?

If it are not executing the n8n flow, try that:

Create an automation that if a message is sent with "/qrcode" to any number it starts the webhook from the QRCode node on n8n.

Tell us if it worked. It was not supposed to work that way. But that way we will know if everything else is workink properly.

KatiaSishost commented 5 months ago

in QuepasaQrcode - > Envia QRCode No Chatwoot

1 item
"422 - {"error":"undefined local variable or method `response_sources' for #<Inbox id: 3, channel_id: 3, account_id: 2, name: \"Test\", created_at: \"2023-12-12 19:17:26.422516000 +0000\", updated_at: \"2023-12-12 19:17:26.422516000 +0000\", channel_type: \"Channel::Api\", enable_auto_assignment: true, greeting_enabled: false, greeting_message: nil, email_address: nil, working_hours_enabled: false, out_of_office_message: nil, timezone: \"UTC\", enable_email_collect: true, csat_survey_enabled: false, allow_messages_after_resolved: true, auto_assignment_config: {}, lock_to_single_conversation: false, portal_id: nil, sender_name_type: \"friendly\", business_name: nil>"}",
"Error: 422 - {"error":"undefined local variable or method `response_sources' for #<Inbox id: 3, channel_id: 3, account_id: 2, name: \"Test\", created_at: \"2023-12-12 19:17:26.422516000 +0000\", updated_at: \"2023-12-12 19:17:26.422516000 +0000\", channel_type: \"Channel::Api\", enable_auto_assignment: true, greeting_enabled: false, greeting_message: nil, email_address: nil, working_hours_enabled: false, out_of_office_message: nil, timezone: \"UTC\", enable_email_collect: true, csat_survey_enabled: false, allow_messages_after_resolved: true, auto_assignment_config: {}, lock_to_single_conversation: false, portal_id: nil, sender_name_type: \"friendly\", business_name: nil>"} at createError (/usr/lib/node_modules/n8n/node_modules/axios/lib/core/createError.js:16:15) at settle (/usr/lib/node_modules/n8n/node_modules/axios/lib/core/settle.js:17:12) at IncomingMessage.handleStreamEnd (/usr/lib/node_modules/n8n/node_modules/axios/lib/adapters/http.js:269:11) at IncomingMessage.emit (node:events:526:35) at IncomingMessage.emit (node:domain:552:15) at endReadableNT (node:internal/streams/readable:1376:12) at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:82:21)"

i need create manual AgentBot for 2nd Account... send /qrcode and receive only the qrcode... i scan it and in n8n display this error



O outro problema é que ao criar uma 2ª conta o AgentBot não se cadastra automaticamente... então para ele deixar você receber você deve criar manualmente um AgentBot e atribuí-lo à 2ª conta, após escanear o código que não faz nada, ele gera o AgentBot... você troca o agente bot mas ele também não faz nada

nocodeleaks commented 4 months ago

Status ?

KatiaSishost commented 1 month ago

no solved