noconnor / JUnitPerf

API performance testing framework built using JUnit
Apache License 2.0
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compilation failes when upgraded to x.30 version #102

Open nagkumar opened 1 year ago

nagkumar commented 1 year ago
package com.tejasoft.tests.ju.ju5.ut.perf.noconnor.utils;

import com.github.noconnor.junitperf.JUnitPerfTest;
import com.github.noconnor.junitperf.JUnitPerfTestRequirement;
import com.github.noconnor.junitperf.reporting.providers.HtmlReportGenerator;
import com.github.noconnor.junitperf.statistics.providers.DescriptiveStatisticsCalculator;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.ExtensionContext;

import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.util.Collections;

import static com.tejasoft.tests.ju.ju5.ut.perf.noconnor.utils.ReportingUtils.newHtmlReporter;

public final class JUnitPerfInterceptorSuite extends com.github.noconnor.junitperf.JUnitPerfInterceptor
    private static final HtmlReportGenerator REPORTER = newHtmlReporter("suite_perf_reporter.html");
    private static final DescriptiveStatisticsCalculator statisticsCalculator = new DescriptiveStatisticsCalculator();

    public final void postProcessTestInstance(final Object aTestInstance, final ExtensionContext aExtensionContext)
        throws Exception
    activeReporters = Collections.singletonList(REPORTER);
    activeStatisticsCalculator = statisticsCalculator;

    defaultRequirementsAnnotation =
        new JUnitPerfTestRequirement()
            public Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType()
            return JUnitPerfTestRequirement.class;

            public String percentiles()
            return "";

            public int executionsPerSec()
            return 100;

            public float allowedErrorPercentage()
            return 0.1F;

            public float minLatency()
            return -1;

            public float maxLatency()
            return -1;

            public float meanLatency()
            return -1;
    defaultPerfTestAnnotation = new JUnitPerfTest()
        public Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType()
        return JUnitPerfTest.class;

        public int threads()
        return 1;

        public int durationMs()
        return 3_000;

        public int warmUpMs()
        return 0;

        public int maxExecutionsPerSecond()
        return 1000;

        public int rampUpPeriodMs()
        return 0;

    super.postProcessTestInstance(aTestInstance, aExtensionContext);

above lass used to work in x.26.SNAPSHOT version but not with x.30the version it shows errors as


Any clues how to fix this based on the changes made between 26 and 30th version

noconnor commented 1 year ago

You should not need all this template code anymore with version 1.30.0

You can look at the test suite example code to see how to configure suites with 1.30.0+

nagkumar commented 1 year ago

Wow, 1.30.x approach is far more similar.. thank you for making it better.. Now I have the code as

package com.tejasoft.tests.ju.ju5.ut.perf.noconnor;

import com.github.noconnor.junitperf.JUnitPerfReportingConfig;
import com.github.noconnor.junitperf.JUnitPerfTest;
import com.github.noconnor.junitperf.JUnitPerfTestActiveConfig;
import com.github.noconnor.junitperf.JUnitPerfTestRequirement;
import org.junit.platform.suite.api.ConfigurationParameter;
import org.junit.platform.suite.api.SelectPackages;
import org.junit.platform.suite.api.Suite;

import static com.tejasoft.tests.ju.ju5.ut.perf.noconnor.utils.ReportingUtils.newHtmlReporter;

@JUnitPerfTest(totalExecutions = 100)
@JUnitPerfTestRequirement(allowedErrorPercentage = 0.01F)
@ConfigurationParameter(key = "junit.jupiter.extensions.autodetection.enabled", value = "true")
public final class TestPerfNCRSuite
    public static JUnitPerfReportingConfig config =

While this suite is run, even other suites are included that does not have JUnit Perf Annotations.. hence it gives the following error and stops

    X initializationError

      org.junit.platform.suite.engine.NoTestsDiscoveredException: Suite [] did not discover any tests


    X initializationError

      org.junit.platform.suite.engine.NoTestsDiscoveredException: Suite [com.tejasoft.tests.ju.ju5.ut.suites.learn.TestSuiteEx] did not discover any tests
nagkumar commented 1 year ago

import org.junit.platform.suite.api.IncludeTags;
import org.junit.platform.suite.api.SelectClasses;
import org.junit.platform.suite.api.Suite;

@SelectClasses({TestBBOrdered.class, TestBBRandom.class})
@IncludeTags({"slow", "integration"})
public final class TestBBSuites
package com.tejasoft.tests.ju.ju5.ut.suites.learn;

import org.junit.platform.suite.api.SelectClasses;
import org.junit.platform.suite.api.Suite;

public class TestSuiteEx
nagkumar commented 1 year ago

I just wish to run the normal junit suite 100 times.. without having to change the usual junit test cases in any way for performance testing... Is every normal junit test needs to be annotated for junitperf suite to work

noconnor commented 1 year ago

Spotted an issue with reflection and method access thats fixed now with 1.31.0, so you might want to upgrade to that.

I just wish to run the normal junit suite 100 times.. without having to change the usual junit test cases in any way for performance testing

This is not possible with this framework To run a performance test you need to annotate the test OR the suite with at least @JUnitPerfTest to configure how you want to run the perf test and @JUnitPerfTestRequirement is optional if you want to validate the results programatically.

Is every normal junit test needs to be annotated for junitperf suite to work

No, you should be able to annotate the @Suite class with @JUnitPerfTest and all tests in the suite will inherit the @JUnitPerfTest configuration.

While this suite is run, even other suites are included that does not have JUnit Perf Annotations.. hence it gives the following error and stops

@ConfigurationParameter(key = "junit.jupiter.extensions.autodetection.enabled", value = "true"): this setting tells junit to enable the JUnitPerfInterceptor globally. The interceptor will then look at every test and check if the test is annotated directly OR if the test is running as part of a suite that is annotated. Thats the only way junit5 currently provides to hook into suite lifecycle events that i can see.

I suspect this error: org.junit.platform.suite.engine.NoTestsDiscoveredException: Suite [] did not discover any tests is because the test was set up to find all tests in the package @SelectPackages("com"). You might need to be more selective when setting up your perf suite as you showed in your later example (i.e. use @SelectClasses({TestBBOrdered.class, TestBBRandom.class}) or a more restrictive package name)

noconnor commented 1 year ago

You could also look at adding @ExcludeClassNamePatterns or @ExcludePackages to explicitly exclude TestBBSuites and TestSuiteEx from the perf test suite

nagkumar commented 1 year ago

You could also look at adding @ExcludeClassNamePatterns or @ExcludePackages to explicitly exclude TestBBSuites and TestSuiteEx from the perf test suite

Even with 1.31.0 same error..

My PerfSuite is annotated with JUnitPerfTest

package com.tejasoft.tests.ju.ju5.ut.perf.noconnor;

import com.github.noconnor.junitperf.JUnitPerfReportingConfig;
import com.github.noconnor.junitperf.JUnitPerfTest;
import com.github.noconnor.junitperf.JUnitPerfTestActiveConfig;
import com.github.noconnor.junitperf.JUnitPerfTestRequirement;
import org.junit.platform.suite.api.ConfigurationParameter;
import org.junit.platform.suite.api.SelectPackages;
import org.junit.platform.suite.api.Suite;

import static com.tejasoft.tests.ju.ju5.ut.perf.noconnor.utils.ReportingUtils.newHtmlReporter;

@JUnitPerfTest(totalExecutions = 10)
@ConfigurationParameter(key = "junit.jupiter.extensions.autodetection.enabled", value = "true")
public final class TestPerfNCRSuite
    public static JUnitPerfReportingConfig config =

However this perf suite includes few others suites that use


import org.junit.platform.suite.api.IncludeTags;
import org.junit.platform.suite.api.SelectClasses;
import org.junit.platform.suite.api.Suite;

@SelectClasses({TestBBOrdered.class, TestBBRandom.class})
@IncludeTags({"slow", "integration"})
public final class TestBBSuites

In such a context do I need these suites also needed to be annotated specially.. as suite is also a test case, inheritance should work there too..

As these TestBBSuites do work properly as part of the gradle full test goal. They fail with

    X initializationError

      org.junit.platform.suite.engine.NoTestsDiscoveredException: Suite [] did not discover any tests

only when perfsuite is included as part of test goal or explicitly running perf suite like this

gradle clean test --tests "**.TestPerfNCRSuite"

nagkumar commented 1 year ago

I tried disabling these TestBBSuites and TestSuiteEx and also with exclude but the same error is seen always..

nagkumar commented 1 year ago

This is not possible with this framework

I am ok with PerfSuite alone annotated with JUnitPerfTest However this perfsuite would internally may include other JUnit Suites, as long as these internal suites needed not be annotated I am fine as those suites are part of normal test goal, that run fine as part ofgradle test goal

noconnor commented 1 year ago

That error is not coming from the junitperf framework, its coming from the junit suite engine (i.e. org.junit.platform.suite.engine.SuiteTestDescriptor):

org.junit.platform.suite.engine.NoTestsDiscoveredException: Suite [com.tejasoft.tests.ju.ju5.ut.suites.TestBBSuites] did not discover any tests

    at org.junit.platform.suite.engine.SuiteTestDescriptor.computeTestExecutionResult(
    at org.junit.platform.suite.engine.SuiteTestDescriptor.execute(
    at org.junit.platform.suite.engine.SuiteTestEngine.lambda$execute$0(
    at java.base/$ForEachOp$OfRef.accept(
    at java.base/$3$1.accept(

You can confirm this by removing all reference to junitperf and removing the ConfigurationParameter and then re-run the TestPerfNCRSuite class. You will get the same error.

This seems to be an issue that occurs when @SelectPackages is used and the package scan finds a @Suite class. Seems the suite class tests are not expanded after the first level (so the nested suite "appears" to have no tests and the junit suite engine throws an exception).

To work around this issue you can add the following exclusion to the TestPerfNCRSuite class


Or avoid using @SelectPackages if possible

nagkumar commented 1 year ago
java.lang.AssertionError: Error threshold not achieved
    at com.github.noconnor.junitperf.statements.PerformanceEvaluationStatement.assertThat(
    at com.github.noconnor.junitperf.statements.PerformanceEvaluationStatement.assertThresholdsMet(
    at com.github.noconnor.junitperf.statements.PerformanceEvaluationStatement.runParallelEvaluation(
    at com.github.noconnor.junitperf.JUnitPerfInterceptor.interceptTestMethod(

What does this mean, is it the default time to run all the tests.. etc.. how to control this..

May you wanted to say

threshold value of xxx not met hence it is a error etc..

noconnor commented 1 year ago

If you add @JUnitPerfTestRequirement to the test suite the default values for this annotation will be used to validate the test results. Default values are documented here

The default behaviour is to expect no errors (see allowedErrorPercentage) Any exceptions or assertions that occur during the test will cause the test to fail unless you specify a non-zero value for allowedErrorPercentage or remove the @JUnitPerfTestRequirement annotation

nagkumar commented 1 year ago

I have removed still the same error..

package com.tejasoft.tests.ju.ju5.ut.perf.noconnor;

import com.github.noconnor.junitperf.JUnitPerfReportingConfig;
import com.github.noconnor.junitperf.JUnitPerfTest;
import com.github.noconnor.junitperf.JUnitPerfTestActiveConfig;
import com.github.noconnor.junitperf.JUnitPerfTestRequirement;
import org.junit.platform.suite.api.SelectPackages;
import org.junit.platform.suite.api.Suite;

import static com.tejasoft.tests.ju.ju5.ut.perf.noconnor.utils.ReportingUtils.newHtmlReporter;

//@JUnitPerfTest(totalExecutions = 1000, rampUpPeriodMs=10000, threads = 20, warmUpMs = 1000)
@JUnitPerfTest(totalExecutions = 10)
public final class TestSuitePerfNCR
    public static JUnitPerfReportingConfig config =
noconnor commented 1 year ago

I misspoke, the default behaviour is to expect no errors (whether or not the @JUnitPerfTestRequirement annotation is present).

You can enable trace logging on EvaluationTask to identify the source of the errors.

Or you can allow a certain percentage of errors by annotating with @JUnitPerfTestRequirement and setting allowedErrorPercentage to a non 0 value

nagkumar commented 1 year ago


this says 90% as errors, is it more right to say these are the tests that have failed to meet the performance timeline? or does it also include any other kind of errors.

Also, what is the latency time specified for each method against which the this is shown as error e.g testWithdrawWithSufficientBalanceAndAccess says 90% error w.r.t to what time 90% of tests have taken more time?

noconnor commented 1 year ago

The results state that:

An error is a test assertion failure.

The graph on the left gives you a latency breakdown, it gives you the % of request at or below a certain latency. Because you only had 10 invocations, there will be some interpolation of the percentile distributions. The throughput is calculated as a per second rate, because you did 10 invocations in 22ms, the per second rate is so small its rounded to 0. This throughput is relevant for longer tests with higher invocation counts.

noconnor commented 1 year ago

if this test requires an @BeforeEach to be executed before each performance test invocation you'll need to update to 1.33.0

nagkumar commented 1 year ago

if this test requires an @beforeeach to be executed before each performance test invocation you'll need to update to 1.33.0

Any reason for such behaviors as I expect the JUnitPerf not to touch any of the JUnit each test lifecycle methods as the launcher/engine should take care of running the test methods the usual way.. while JUnitPerf just calls the test suite methods 10 times or to the configured number.

nagkumar commented 1 year ago

You can enable trace logging on EvaluationTask to identify the source of the errors.

Thank You, this the way, I enabled logging, adding for others reference in future

add file logback.xml in main/resources folder with content

    <appender name="STDOUT" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
            <pattern>%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} %-5level %logger{36} - %msg%n</pattern>

    <root level="TRACE">
        <appender-ref ref="STDOUT" />
    <logger name="com.github.noconnor.junitperf.statements.EvaluationTask" level="TRACE"/>

and add the following 3 dependencies in gradle build file

add("implementation", "ch.qos.logback:logback-core:1.4.8")
add("implementation", "ch.qos.logback:logback-classic:1.4.8")
add("implementation", "org.slf4j:slf4j-api:2.0.7")

Looks at the junit 5 tests dashboard console output to see the trace output

noconnor commented 1 year ago

I'll look into adding support to skip tests that fail Assumptions