nocontrolco / elso

Electric Lightning Soccer Overdrive
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Implement Reader/Writer of game data #9

Open diasssavio opened 2 months ago

diasssavio commented 2 months ago

One should implement Writer & Reader classes to generate game snapshots as a closed system.

This should generate file(s) snapshotting the game system. Initially, this files may be written as plain binary files and/or json file. The writer would output the files as the game goes, while the reader will be used independently (within python library) to retrieve that information.

For general organization, I was thinking in something like that:

As a suggestion, for json write/handling in C++, I suggest use the library JSON for Modern C++ or Boost JSON. For history binary files, the std::fstream should do just fine.

This will primarily serve as a feeding mechanism for the visual toolkit being developed in #6.

In the future, this may become a replay saver/retriever mechanism. We may also evaluate in the future the usage of binary HDF files format.

diasssavio commented 2 months ago

@mrsmatos This is a good first issue, if you want to. We've briefly discussed it before. If you are interested, let me know so we can talk and I can explain you the general idea.