nod-ai / SHARK

SHARK - High Performance Machine Learning Distribution
Apache License 2.0
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(Studio2) (Windows) 'rocm devices are not available' #2075

Open one-lithe-rune opened 5 months ago

one-lithe-rune commented 5 months ago

Maybe they're not supposed to be yet?

Startup says:

05b49826 (HEAD -> main, upstream/main, origin/main, origin/HEAD) Add StreamingLLM support to studio2 chat (#2060)
On branch main
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.

nothing to commit, working tree clean
vulkan devices are available.
metal devices are not available.
cuda devices are not available.
rocm devices are not available.
local-sync devices are available.
local-task devices are available.


(shark.venv) PS C:\develop\SHARK> hipinfo

device#                           0
Name:                             AMD Radeon RX 7900 XTX
pciBusID:                         12
pciDeviceID:                      0
pciDomainID:                      0
multiProcessorCount:              48
maxThreadsPerMultiProcessor:      2048
isMultiGpuBoard:                  0
clockRate:                        2371 Mhz
memoryClockRate:                  1250 Mhz
memoryBusWidth:                   0
totalGlobalMem:                   23.98 GB
totalConstMem:                    2147483647
sharedMemPerBlock:                64.00 KB
canMapHostMemory:                 1
regsPerBlock:                     0
warpSize:                         32
l2CacheSize:                      4194304
computeMode:                      0
maxThreadsPerBlock:               1024
maxThreadsDim.x:                  1024
maxThreadsDim.y:                  1024
maxThreadsDim.z:                  1024
maxGridSize.x:                    2147483647
maxGridSize.y:                    65536
maxGridSize.z:                    65536
major:                            11
minor:                            0
concurrentKernels:                1
cooperativeLaunch:                0
cooperativeMultiDeviceLaunch:     0
isIntegrated:                     0
maxTexture1D:                     16384
maxTexture2D.width:               16384
maxTexture2D.height:              16384
maxTexture3D.width:               2048
maxTexture3D.height:              2048
maxTexture3D.depth:               2048
isLargeBar:                       0
asicRevision:                     0
maxSharedMemoryPerMultiProcessor: 64.00 KB
clockInstructionRate:             1000.00 Mhz
arch.hasGlobalInt32Atomics:       1
arch.hasGlobalFloatAtomicExch:    1
arch.hasSharedInt32Atomics:       1
arch.hasSharedFloatAtomicExch:    1
arch.hasFloatAtomicAdd:           1
arch.hasGlobalInt64Atomics:       1
arch.hasSharedInt64Atomics:       1
arch.hasDoubles:                  1
arch.hasWarpVote:                 1
arch.hasWarpBallot:               1
arch.hasWarpShuffle:              1
arch.hasFunnelShift:              0
arch.hasThreadFenceSystem:        1
arch.hasSyncThreadsExt:           0
arch.hasSurfaceFuncs:             0
arch.has3dGrid:                   1
arch.hasDynamicParallelism:       0
gcnArchName:                      gfx1100
non-peers:                        device#0                    23.98 GB                     23.86 GB (99%)

iree-run-module --dump_devices=rocm

(shark.venv) PS C:\develop\SHARK> iree-run-module --dump_devices=rocm
# ============================================================================
# Enumerated devices for driver 'rocm'
# ============================================================================

FLAGS ERROR: (Ôò»┬░Ôûí┬░)Ôò»´©Á­ƒæ╗
D:\a\iree\iree\c\runtime\src\iree\hal\driver_registry.c:319: NOT_FOUND; no driver 'rocm' registered