Open GitHubRulesOK opened 4 years ago
Progress I have changed to one resizeable translucent user editable overlay image (default is 64pels grid) Added top left escape to menu, included Highlights on/off and a button to switch from filtered to unfiltered mode (colour choices are now equally the 7 primaries in muted or vibrant mode)
I Personally feel that the access to stored labels is best dealt with in Earmarks app rather than Color Highlight app, but may later add those to menu options.
I would be happy If you wish to incorporate this method into Highlight Jumper since as stated I am not attempting to rebuild just simply front end using a GUI.
I don't have time to look at your code for the moment, but your GUI looks compact and nice.
I would be happy If you wish to incorporate this method
I don't understand which method you are referring to.
Earmarks app
Do you mean my old sumatra_earmarks app? I don't use that myself anyone and do not plan to work on it any more.
extra icons on the toolbar like this
If your GUI is for touchscreen users then is a new toolbar button really necessary?
Perhaps you can instead use a touch/swipe action to open the GUI? E.g. multi finger tap or swipe gesture. Maybe there exists some AutoHotkey scripts already that can handle such touch/swipe events. Or some other tool that handles such events and that can be used by the GUI.
Tip: you can when testing use an existing toolbar text control as button. Here is how to detect a left click (which I assume is a tap in touchscreen mode) on the text "Find:" in the SumatraPDF toolbar.
#IfWinActive, ahk_exe SumatraPDF.exe
; react only to clicks on toolbar text "Find:"
MouseGetPos, , , vHwnd, vControl
If WinExist("ahk_exe SumatraPDF.exe ahk_id " vHwnd)
If (vControl = "Static5")
goto show_gui
MsgBox test
I think this requires a separate thread as it was not specific to Issue #3
My aim has been to improve usage of "plugins" such as Highlight Jump and Earmarks without a keyboard. My Suggestion is that in general those tablet users with touchscreens would benefit from extra icons on the toolbar like this
My intent is not to rewrite each application simply have a common front end interface however with Earmarks that as you know is highly problematic
So off-topic Earmarks is best left as a translucent Icon in the top right of the viewer canvas only.
My aim would be Default to a translucent box / "fold" , touch/click = add/deselect page# (store selected text?) hold/long click = menu to show up/down arrows with location list and optionally delete stored entries
On Topic much of HighlightJump can be used in the Full Release it is only highlighting a selection that requires pre-release active so those actions could be switched to placing coloured blocks in lieu of highlighting text. It would be nice when adding block to modify the block onscreen to cover a line or paragraph