node-apn / node-apn

:calling: Apple Push Notification module for Node.js
MIT License
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Open hammadali6096 opened 2 years ago

hammadali6096 commented 2 years ago

Hi I am facing an issue when sending voip push notification from remote server(Linux). Here is the screen shot. image

while when I send it from local machine it sent the voip push notification.

Here is the source code: image

superwoou commented 2 years ago

It's issue on node 16. You can use this package on node 16 with pfx (instead of cert / key).

This package should change the default value of pfx on config to undefined, not null.

In node 16, secure context will use null to pfx (

AbdelrahmanHafez commented 1 year ago

If you're facing ERR_CRYPTO_OPERATION_FAILED, make sure you upgrade Node to the latest version. For me, it was failing at 16.13.1, upgrading to 16.18.0 surprisingly fixes it.

dchahla commented 7 months ago of you need it for Node 18