you might have noticed i'm currently publishing some dmx lights to your package. First a small LED-Pot, then a LED-Bar and currently i'm working on a Moving Head. But the problem is, that the channel 1 and 2 have a middle value of 128. But how do i let the people know this? (The same applies for channels which have sometimes something like: 1...255: Intensity of the red color (0%-100%), if channel 6 [in this example the dimmer] has a value between 1...255 and channel 8 [in this case a overwriting macro-channel] has a value of 0.
I'm personally thinking of something like this:
module.exports = {
'someDMXDevice': {
channels: ['dimmer', 'red', 'green', 'blue', 'macros', 'pan', 'tilt'],
ranges: {
'red': {
'type': 'condition',
'conditions': [
{ 'value': 1, 'statement': 'Intensity Red, if channel "dimmer" is between 1...255 and channel "macros" is 0' },
//Same applies for the channel green and blue but not including them in this example
'pan': {
'type': 'rotation',
'values': [
{ 'min': 0, 'degrees': -270 },
{ 'middle': 128, 'degrees': 0 },
{ 'max': 255, 'degrees': 270 },
'tilt': {
'type': 'rotation',
'values': [
{ 'min': 0, 'degrees': -85 },
{ 'middle': 128, 'degrees': 0 },
{ 'max': 255, 'degrees': 85 },
(Also i'm not too shure when to put the key into quotes. If you have a system for this i would be pleased, if you tell me this.)
Hey there,
you might have noticed i'm currently publishing some dmx lights to your package. First a small LED-Pot, then a LED-Bar and currently i'm working on a Moving Head. But the problem is, that the channel 1 and 2 have a middle value of 128. But how do i let the people know this? (The same applies for channels which have sometimes something like: 1...255: Intensity of the red color (0%-100%), if channel 6 [in this example the dimmer] has a value between 1...255 and channel 8 [in this case a overwriting macro-channel] has a value of 0.
I'm personally thinking of something like this:
(Also i'm not too shure when to put the key into quotes. If you have a system for this i would be pleased, if you tell me this.)