node-formidable / formidable

The most used, flexible, fast and streaming parser for multipart form data. Supports uploading to serverless environments, AWS S3, Azure, GCP or the filesystem. Used in production.
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Try tests again #763

Closed GrosSacASac closed 2 years ago

GrosSacASac commented 2 years ago

3 issues remain:

 FAIL  test/unit/persistent-file.test.js
  ● Test suite failed to run

    persistent-file.test.js: The module 
factory of `jest.mock()` is not allowed to reference any out-of-scope variables.      
    Invalid variable access: jest

      15 |
      16 | jest.mock('fs', () => {
    > 17 |   const fs = jest.requireActual('fs');
         |              ^^^^
      18 |   return {
      19 |     ...fs,
      20 |     unlink: jest.fn(),

and 2 other issues in fixtures, that I also don't understand

jimmywarting commented 2 years ago

Now i'm getting

 FAIL  test/unit/persistent-file.test.js
  ● Test suite failed to run

    ReferenceError: formidable/test/unit/persistent-file.test.js: The module factory of `jest.mock()` is not allowed to reference any out-of-scope variables.
    Invalid variable access: jest
    Allowed objects: AbortController, AbortSignal, AggregateError, Array, ArrayBuffer, Atomics, BigInt, BigInt64Array, BigUint64Array, Boolean, Buffer, DataView, Date, Error, EvalError, Event, EventTarget, FinalizationRegistry, Float32Array, Float64Array, Function, Generator, GeneratorFunction, Infinity, Int16Array, Int32Array, Int8Array, InternalError, Intl, JSON, Map, Math, MessageChannel, MessageEvent, MessagePort, NaN, Number, Object, Promise, Proxy, RangeError, ReferenceError, Reflect, RegExp, Set, SharedArrayBuffer, String, Symbol, SyntaxError, TextDecoder, TextEncoder, TypeError, URIError, URL, URLSearchParams, Uint16Array, Uint32Array, Uint8Array, Uint8ClampedArray, WeakMap, WeakRef, WeakSet, WebAssembly, __dirname, __filename, arguments, atob, btoa, clearImmediate, clearInterval, clearTimeout, console, decodeURI, decodeURIComponent, encodeURI, encodeURIComponent, escape, eval, expect, exports, global, globalThis, isFinite, isNaN, jest, module, parseFloat, parseInt, performance, process, queueMicrotask, require, setImmediate, setInterval, setTimeout, undefined, unescape.
    Note: This is a precaution to guard against uninitialized mock variables. If it is ensured that the mock is required lazily, variable names prefixed with `mock` (case insensitive) are permitted.

      15 |
      16 | jest.mock('fs', () => {
    > 17 |   const fs = jest.requireActual('fs');
         |              ^^^^
      18 |   return {
      19 |     ...fs,
      20 |     unlink: jest.fn(),

      at File.buildCodeFrameError (node_modules/@babel/core/lib/transformation/file/file.js:248:12)
      at NodePath.buildCodeFrameError (node_modules/@babel/traverse/lib/path/index.js:144:21)
      at newFn (node_modules/@babel/traverse/lib/visitors.js:179:21)
      at NodePath._call (node_modules/@babel/traverse/lib/path/context.js:55:20)
      at (node_modules/@babel/traverse/lib/path/context.js:42:17)
      at NodePath.visit (node_modules/@babel/traverse/lib/path/context.js:90:31)
      at TraversalContext.visitQueue (node_modules/@babel/traverse/lib/context.js:112:16)


 FAIL  test/integration/fixtures.test.js (6.42 s)
  ✕ fixtures (5004 ms)

  ● fixtures

    thrown: "Exceeded timeout of 5000 ms for a test.
    Use jest.setTimeout(newTimeout) to increase the timeout value, if this is a long-running test."

      30 | };
      31 |
    > 32 | test('fixtures', (done) => {
         | ^
      33 |   const server = createServer();
      34 |   server.listen(PORT, findFixtures);
      35 |

      at test/integration/fixtures.test.js:32:1
GrosSacASac commented 2 years ago

Yes the timeout is because 2 tests inside fail (todo) and the way it was written does not end close the tests .

jest mocking fs I have no idea how to fix it maybe open an issue in jest github to ask