node-formidable / formidable

The most used, flexible, fast and streaming parser for multipart form data. Supports uploading to serverless environments, AWS S3, Azure, GCP or the filesystem. Used in production.
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Rewrite to Typescript #854

Open Akxe opened 2 years ago

Akxe commented 2 years ago

This is work in progress

not to be merged yet!

Formidable (IncommingForm)

My main concern here is that a log of variables is not defined before the parse method is called. From my understanding, the idea is that one Formidable instance can be parsing one request at a time, but can be reused after it has completed reading the form. (Why is it that it can be reused, what is the point?)

I would propose, that the parse would return a subclass, that would only live until the parsing is complete, then it would be a frozen object/class instance. The parse method then could:


I still have more to read through.


I still have more to read through.


class ParsedForm<
  // Setting this is unsafe, but is normal practice to allow developers to defined expected output
  Fields extends Record<string, string | string[]> | string[],
  Files extends Record<string, FormidableFile | FormidableFile[]>
  readonly files: Files;
  readonly fields: Fields;

  readFirstOf<K extends keyof Files>(key: K): Files<K>;
  readFirstOf<K extends keyof Fields>(key: K): Fileds<K>;
Akxe commented 2 years ago

I have a few questions for now:

GrosSacASac commented 2 years ago

Converting to Typescript is already a huge task. You refactoring the code at the same time reduces the likelihood of this PR being merged fast. Because it creates opportunity for disagreement.

GrosSacASac commented 2 years ago
GrosSacASac commented 2 years ago

I don't know where but if it is always true then maybe it is a leftover from before a refactor where it wasn't the case

GrosSacASac commented 2 years ago

Maybe in a future PR we will make .parse return a Promise so try to not change too much in this PR

Akxe commented 2 years ago

My point is, that since the plugin does not return (only modifies this), and the results variable is not used it is redundant and should be removed.

Akxe commented 2 years ago

Converting to Typescript is already a huge task. You refactoring the code at the same time reduces the likelihood of this PR being merged fast. Because it creates opportunity for disagreement.

You are right, rewrite to TS is huge in itself, but in order to make usage of TS sensible, some parts might need to be rewritten.

Akxe commented 2 years ago

Maybe in a future PR we will make .parse return a Promise so try to not change too much in this PR

Well, the point was not to make it a promise. The current implementation of the parse function has a critical flaw.

Take the code below:

// Create parser (mistake but a sensible assumption to make
const form = formidable({});
const server = http.createServer((req, res) => {
  if (req.url === '/api/upload' && req.method.toLowerCase() === 'post') {
    form.parse(req, (err, fields, files) => {
      // Process result


Since the form will clean up itself after the request is parsed, one could assume, that creating a global form with common options is the right way and it would work most of the time. But once 2 requests come at the same time:

This could be fixed using a simple if statement in parse, or it could be fixed by making the parse create a new instance of parsing entity.

This would also make the IncommingForm initialization class from:

export class IncomingForm<
  // Setting this is unsafe, but is normal practice to allow developers to define expected output
  Fields extends Record<string, string | string[]> | string[],
  Files extends Record<string, FormidableFile | FormidableFile[]>
> extends EventEmitter {
  readonly options: FormidableOptions<Fields, Files>;

  error?: Error;
  headers?: IncomingHttpHeaders;
  type?: string;
  ended = false;
  bytesExpected = 0;
  bytesReceived = 0;
  readonly openedFiles: FormidableFile[] = [];

  private req?: IncomingMessage;
  private parser: undefined;
  private flushing = 0;
  private fieldsSize = 0;
  private totalFileSize = 0;
  private plugins: Transform[] = [];


export class IncomingForm<
  // Setting this is unsafe, but is normal practice to allow developers to define expected output
  Fields extends Record<string, string | string[]> | string[],
  Files extends Record<string, FormidableFile | FormidableFile[]>
> extends EventEmitter {
  readonly options: FormidableOptions<Fields, Files>;

  private readonly headers = this.getHeaders(this.req);
  private readonly type = this.getType(this.headers);
  // ended = false;  // Redundant, once it is done, the parse method returns and all cease activity, can be kept thought...
  // error?: Error; // Same as above
  private readonly bytesExpected = this.getExpectedBytes(this.headers);
  bytesReceived = 0;
  readonly openedFiles: FormidableFile[] = [];

  private flushing = 0;
  private fieldsSize = 0;
  private totalFileSize = 0;
  private plugins: Transform[] = [];
    private readonly req: IncomingMessage,
  ) {}