node-formidable / formidable

The most used, flexible, fast and streaming parser for multipart form data. Supports uploading to serverless environments, AWS S3, Azure, GCP or the filesystem. Used in production.
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Convert 'firstValues' helper into an option for Formidable constructor. #973

Open arbauma opened 2 months ago

arbauma commented 2 months ago

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What problem are you trying to solve?

Hello, Formidable community:

Today I started developing a Node.js server on Express.js to handle Next.js + TypeScript requests, and I came across an issue when trying to parse the body from the request that is sent as FormData. After some research I chose Formidable to parse the FormData. I managed to parse the data, and then I noticed the fields were retrieved and sent back as arrays in the response (for example, email: ['']), so I went back on the documentation and I found the 'firstValues' helper.

Everything works fine now - the values are sent as key: value instead of key: [value], but I find it difficult to deal with such a common issue a lot of developers are probably facing. Since Next.js + TypeScript almost forces to pass the body as FormData even for text inputs, and Node.js requires an external parser such as Formidable, I am afraid a lot of developers are dealing with this issue over and over again.

My suggestion is to convert the 'firstValues' helper into another option that can be passed to the Formidable constructor, in the same way as { maxFiles: 1 }, { multiples: true }, and the rest of options within DEFAULT_OPTIONS constant. That would make it a lot easier to deal with this issue, as const { firstValues } = require("formidable/src/helpers/firstValues.js") would no longer be required and it would be replaced by const form = formidable({ firstValues: true }).

Note: I am new to Formidable and barely have any experience with TypeScript, so if there is currently a way of doing this I would be so thankful if you explain it.

Thank you all for your help.

Do you have a new or modified API suggestion to solve the problem?

I don't.

GrosSacASac commented 2 months ago

Some people asked in the past to make the library smaller. This would make it bigger.

Sometimes you want some data to be array for example with <select multiple> but not everything

tzwel commented 1 month ago

The current way of doing this is not only ugly (const { firstValues } = require("formidable/src/helpers/firstValues.js")), but confusing too, as this format is vastly different from what express offers and most node devs use express. I don't think anyone would care if the library got a little bit bigger for a quality of life improvement like this, it's also completely backwards compatible as it's just a new option, what are the arguments against this? Also it's tedious to always append [0] when reading a field, error prone, and makes destructuring impossible