node-gh / gh

(DEPRECATED) GitHub CLI made with NodeJS. Use the official instead.
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Feature request: release support #457

Open weierophinney opened 8 years ago

weierophinney commented 8 years ago

Hi! One thing I often do on my repositories is create an official release from a given tag. Currently, this requires going to the website, finding the tag, editing it, and then copy/pasting the changelog/release notes. In some few cases, I also need to upload distribution files, but this is more rare.

So, feature request is something like this:

$ gh release --help

List of available commands:
  release Provides a set of commands to work with repository Releases
    -d, --detailed (Boolean) Full details for release (title, sha1, author, notes)
    -D, --delete (Boolean) Delete the given release
    --description (String) Release notes as a string
    --description-file (String) Filename containing release notes to use
    -l, --list (Boolean) List all releases for the repository
    -t, --tag (String) Tag against which to create/delete the release
    --title (String) Alternate title to use
    --distfile (String) Filename to upload with the release; can use this option multiple times with different files
    -O, --organization (String)
    -r, --repo (String)
    -u, --user (String)

Ideally, it'd be great to be able to pipe the description/notes to the command, and have it use those:

$ cat | gh release -t 1.4.0
# Or
$ gh release -t 1.4.0 <

Upload files would work as follows:

$ gh release -t 1.4.0 --distfile foo-1.4.0.tgz --distfile <

The above would create the release, using the piped release notes, and uploading the two files to the release.

Thanks for the great tool; the little I've used it the last couple weeks, it's been a huge boon for many rote tasks I'd been having to use the web interface for!

henvic commented 8 years ago

Hey @weierophinney, this is a great idea.

I currently have a bash script for doing releases on another project (the release steps are mostly described in, but I have to update a little bit) that we can use for a release command on gh and maybe we can elaborate on top of it.

You can see an outdated version of it at

I think a "gh release" command would be something like it. I am actually rewriting part of it to make it more robust...

What do you think about prompting the user for each step, instead of passing them by flags?

PS: Sorry for taking 20 days to answer (we are overwhelmed with work :). And thank you for your nice work on the Zend Framework. I have been an user of it / PHP for many years. We have met at ZendCon '11, but you probably don't remember me.

vidavidorra commented 5 years ago

Any update on this? I'm a new user would very much like support for releases, specifically the --list in my use case.

weierophinney commented 5 years ago

@vidavidorra I have written a tool that manipulates changelog files in Keep-A-Changelog format, and added tooling to that to perform releases (it pulls the changelog for the given release and pushes it to GitHub). It's written in PHP; if that sounds useful to you, you can find it at phly/keep-a-changelog.