node-modules / autod

Auto generate dependencies and devDependencies by parse the project file.
206 stars 18 forks source link

ignore, if devDep is * #10

Closed haoxins closed 10 years ago

haoxins commented 10 years ago

useful for:

  'should': '*'
dead-horse commented 10 years ago

add a option to control this ?

haoxins commented 10 years ago

yes, but hard to get option name. some good idea?

haoxins commented 10 years ago

how about -a, --arbitrary, but it is confused that will ignore all dep&devDep modules set to *

dead-horse commented 10 years ago

感觉功能是不是跟 -k 有点重复?

-k, --keep <dependencies modules>    modules that you want to keep version in package.json file

这个需求应该可以直接写成 autod -k should

haoxins commented 10 years ago
