In the 'multi controlled U gate' node properties HTML interface, the 'relative position of target qubit' dropdown list is not working properly.
When changing the target qubit and clicking 'Done', the node settings are saved and the Qiskit script generated is correct.
However if the user opens the node properties again, instead of having the dropdown list displaying the previous user setting, the dropdown list always display the first option as default.
Expected Behaviour & Actual Behaviour
If the user selects 'Qubit b' as the 'Relative position of target qubit', after clicking 'Done' and opening the node properties again, the dropdown list should still display the 'Qubit b' option.
System Information
Node.js Version: v14.15.5
Operating System: Darwin Theos-MacBook-Pro.local 20.3.0 Darwin Kernel Version 20.3.0: Thu Jan 21 00:07:06 PST 2021; root:xnu-7195.81.3~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64
Bug Description
In the 'multi controlled U gate' node properties HTML interface, the 'relative position of target qubit' dropdown list is not working properly.
When changing the target qubit and clicking 'Done', the node settings are saved and the Qiskit script generated is correct. However if the user opens the node properties again, instead of having the dropdown list displaying the previous user setting, the dropdown list always display the first option as default.
Expected Behaviour & Actual Behaviour
If the user selects 'Qubit b' as the 'Relative position of target qubit', after clicking 'Done' and opening the node properties again, the dropdown list should still display the 'Qubit b' option.
System Information