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Node-red image has security vulnerabilities #431

Closed OlgasAcc closed 1 month ago

OlgasAcc commented 1 month ago

Hello, We pull the Node-red image in our project, the Aqua security scan has reported a few vulnerabilities which could be release blocker for us:

[CVE-2024-32465] [git] [2.43.0-r0] Fix Version : 2.43.4-r0

[CVE-2024-32004] [git] [2.43.0-r0] Fix Version : 2.43.4-r0

[CVE-2024-32002] [git] [2.43.0-r0] Fix Version : 2.43.4-r0

The Node-red version we use - v3.1.9-18-minimal

Could you please upgrade this dependency version?


hardillb commented 1 month ago

They come from the alpine base container, not something we have any influence over.

hardillb commented 1 month ago

I've kicked off a respin of the 3.1.9 containers, they will pick up the latest NodeJS Alpine base contianers.

OlgasAcc commented 1 month ago

@hardillb thanks for the response. We're using v3.1.9-18-minimal where "18" probably means Node version 18, right? But what exact version of Node do you use as a base for Node-red? I mean maybe it's possible to use this one - (Node 18 + alpine v3.19)? This latest stable Alpine version solved all security tickets in our images.

hardillb commented 1 month ago

The builds have been respun

OlgasAcc commented 1 month ago

The builds have been respun

could this affect the node-red-dashboard dependency?

hardillb commented 1 month ago

Unlikely, that looks like a problem with permissions on a volume mounted on /data

OlgasAcc commented 1 month ago

@hardillb probably some temp issue, works well now. Thanks a lot!