node-red / node-red-nodes

Extra nodes for Node-RED
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node-red-node-pi-gpiod : reconnect missing #789

Open Noschvie opened 3 years ago

Noschvie commented 3 years ago

Which node are you reporting an issue on?


What are the steps to reproduce?

use "pi-gpiod in" node (local RPi4) to connect to a remote input pin (remote RPi3+) reboot remote RPi3+ change input pin at remote RPi3+

What happens?

after rebooting remote RPi3+ no inbound messages are triggered by "pi-gpiod in" node (local RPi4)

What do you expect to happen?

inbound messages to be triggered again, reconnecting to remote RPi3+

Please tell us about your environment:

Docker container nodered/node-red:latest-12 running at RPi4

dceejay commented 3 years ago

The title says pi-gpio and then your steps mention pi-gpiod . These are two different nodes... please clarify. Pi-gpio is NOT recommended for use in docker.

You also say you have a "pi-gpiod in" node (local RPi4) connected to a remote input pin... so you have two inputs connected - this won't work. One has to be an output.

In general it is easier to start a discussion to get help on the discourse forum as there may be more eyes there to help narrrow down your issue.

Noschvie commented 3 years ago

Sorry, title changed to node-red-node-pi-gpiod version 0.4.0 is in use. grafik grafik

Local RPi4 with IP address running Docker and Node-RED Remote RPi3+ with IP address

Noschvie commented 3 years ago

Any news about that ?