node-red / node-red-nodes

Extra nodes for Node-RED
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Serialport: "not connected" will not be sent from status node #888

Open sniicker opened 2 years ago

sniicker commented 2 years ago

Which node are you reporting an issue on?


What are the steps to reproduce?


Set an unused COM Port!

[{"id":"8f77ef3358816793","type":"serial in","z":"14972ae43ba3a3f1","name":"","serial":"1b909dd2b3f2dc6e","x":250,"y":1820,"wires":[["17b4a55b44609a6f"]]},{"id":"17b4a55b44609a6f","type":"debug","z":"14972ae43ba3a3f1","name":"","active":true,"tosidebar":true,"console":false,"tostatus":false,"complete":"true","targetType":"full","statusVal":"","statusType":"auto","x":390,"y":1820,"wires":[]},{"id":"4490c6afdf741d52","type":"status","z":"14972ae43ba3a3f1","name":"","scope":["8f77ef3358816793"],"x":240,"y":1880,"wires":[["fb90753a624cf048"]]},{"id":"fb90753a624cf048","type":"debug","z":"14972ae43ba3a3f1","name":"","active":true,"tosidebar":true,"console":false,"tostatus":false,"complete":"true","targetType":"full","statusVal":"","statusType":"auto","x":390,"y":1880,"wires":[]},{"id":"1b909dd2b3f2dc6e","type":"serial-port","serialport":"COM3","serialbaud":"115200","databits":"8","parity":"none","stopbits":"1","waitfor":"","dtr":"none","rts":"none","cts":"none","dsr":"none","newline":"0xd","bin":"false","out":"char","addchar":"0x0D","responsetimeout":"10000"}]

What happens?

I get an error msg in the debug window but no msg from the status node. Also no msg from catch node. So in this case i get no information and cannot pull further actions.

What do you expect to happen?

A msg "Not connected" from the status node, so i can send an email, telegram ...

Please tell us about your environment:

softy2k commented 6 months ago

Anything new on this topic ?

mili2057 commented 6 months ago

Same issue. Openwrt 19.07.7 NPM 6.14.18 Node.js v14.19.3 Node-Red 2.2.2

softy2k commented 6 months ago

NodeRed 3.1.5, but no fix (yet)

samyakdoshi5 commented 4 months ago

Node-RED v3.1.9, no fix yet

hardillb commented 4 months ago

@softy2k @samyakdoshi5 the node-red version is irrelevant.

Please feel free to submit a pull request against the node-red-node-serial node to implement the behaviour if you have a need for it

samyakdoshi5 commented 4 months ago

@hardillb I don't know what a pull request is, or how to do that :(

I'm new, and I wanted to make a project that requires me to display a popup when the serial port is disconnected.