node-red / node-red-ui-nodes

Additional nodes for Node-RED Dashboard
Apache License 2.0
117 stars 81 forks source link

headerHozAlign not working #94

Open akrea opened 1 year ago

akrea commented 1 year ago


I have posted my issue on the node-red Forum.

In short: while the column options I tried so far work as intended, the option headerHozAlign has no effect what so ever. Since no one replied on discourse (although I did not give it much time). I thought I may post the issue here.

I have set up node red on the latest docker environment on an ubuntu server 22.04. Installed is node red v3.0.2. I use firefox browser in general but i have the same result on edge-browser. The node version is 0.4.3

Thank you - great work anyway!

dceejay commented 1 year ago

No we still use tabulator v4. So headerHozAlign is not available.

akrea commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the info! Is v5 on the Roadmap? If yes do you have a rough estimate when you may be able to move to v5? (Just for me to know if I yet have to learn css...)

Again thank you very much for your time you invested for this node - much appreciated!

dceejay commented 1 year ago

We did try to move but it broke a load of stuff, so that needs to get fixed up. Didn't seem to be trivial so who knows when we may get to it unless someone steps up. It's not a node I use day to day so not on my immediate roadmap.

akrea commented 1 year ago

I am thinking about engaging. But I am a complete newbie to node-red node-maintenance. Where would I need to start? Could you point me in the direction? Some reads, videos? After the first dive I would estimate the amount of time I would need to invest and decide if it is feasible within my RL time constraints.

Thank you!!

Steve-Mcl commented 1 year ago

Hi @akrea

It is not terribly difficult but there are a few steps.

  1. Use the fork button (to of the repository) to fork the repository to your GitHub account
  2. Clone the forked repository to your computer
  3. Make the adjustments to the code - I suggest VSCode as your code editor.
  4. Test it locally (use `npm install [path/to/cloned/code] to install your copy to your local node-red)
  5. Git commit the changes and push them to a new branch
  6. Open a Pull Request from your forks branch to the original repository

While I understand many of these steps may not be familiar to you, I have used terms you can search

akrea commented 1 year ago

These steps I know as I am IIot software developer. But I lack knowledge of node-"Syntax" and a node-"how to".