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HttpNodeCors options are not applied to HttpStatic routes #4759

Closed shrickus closed 6 days ago

shrickus commented 1 week ago

Current Behavior

I have enabled the httpNodeCors option example in the settings.js file, in hopes that I could disable the CORS errors that occur when tryinbg to pull a static file from Node-RED through a 3rd-party website (e.g.

Forum discussion can be found here

Expected Behavior

There should be a way to disable CORS on the httpStatic routes -- either by applying the httpNodeCors option, or else by supporting a new httpStaticCors options setting (if different control is needed for static files).

Steps To Reproduce

I am using these settings:

httpAdminRoot: "/admin",
httpNodeRoot: "/red",
httpStatic: "/opt/nodered/static",
httpNodeCors: {
    origin: "*",
    methods: "GET"

I am using my local browser to show the static file at url -- WORKS.

When I access a website that is configured to fetch the same static file url, I get this error:

Access to fetch at '' from origin '' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.

Example flow



hardillb commented 1 week ago

Check 3.1.x and the 4.0.0 beta as I'm 85% sure this got fixed recently

knolleary commented 1 week ago

The httpNodeCors setting is only applied to the HTTP node routes.

In 3.1, we did add some more flexibility to the httpStatic configuration, but it didn't include cors.

I don't think it would be right to blindly apply httpNodeCors to httpStatic, but we can add a separate setting for it.

knolleary commented 1 week ago

@shrickus added to Node-RED 4 -