nodeSolidServer / node-solid-server

Solid server on top of the file-system in NodeJS
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Fix/issue#1692 #1778

Closed zg009 closed 3 months ago

zg009 commented 3 months ago

See here:

Added a check in put.js handler to see if a client is attempting to create an invalid resource uri

Alain, before this gets merged, let me know if there is a better way to get the RESERVED_SUFFIXES, and if the function should be moved to ldp.js instead

bourgeoa commented 3 months ago

@zg009 Thanks for looking at this issue.

The container name

  1. cannot be the same as an existing resource name
  2. cannot end with a reserved auxiliary extension, to not forbid creation of an auxiliary resource is where point 1. is checked.

Point 2. may be added in this above function

bourgeoa commented 3 months ago

@zg009 Not sure of POST creating a container with slug. I don't think sure such a test exist Could you add a test for POST trying to create a Container with an unallowed slug

zg009 commented 3 months ago

There are tests for invalid slug on POST requests here:

I added the check I believe you requested

bourgeoa commented 3 months ago

Sorry I am on a tablet. Not easy to code

The test should create a container. The container name can be found in location header see next test.

Your code in ldp.js should do something like

If (container) {
  extension = ''
 If slug ends with unallowed extension remove unallowed extension from slug
elseif (slug) test slug to not allow creation of auxiliary --> 409
zg009 commented 3 months ago

Alain, I do not see how you can do what you are stating is possible.

If slug has extension and extension is .acl or .meta, 403 is thrown'/post-resources/').set('slug', 'post-resource.acl') // throws 403'/post-resources/').set('slug', 'post-resource.meta') // throws 403

If slug has no extension, it becomes container.'/post-resources/').set('slug', 'inner-container') // creates container /post-resources/inner-container/

I do not know how the situation you are describing can exist.

bourgeoa commented 3 months ago

@zg009 Could you review at my changes Basically

Can you

zg009 commented 3 months ago

@bourgeoa I renamed it and added some clarity on the new .meta and .acl tests

bourgeoa commented 3 months ago

Thanks LGTM just remove the 2 console.log() in the recursive

zg009 commented 3 months ago

@TallTed If it looks good to you, can you go ahead and approve the changes and I'll merge

zg009 commented 3 months ago

@TallTed That is OK. It is nice to have more input regarding clarity, when a test or code change has to be revisited later.