nodebots / nodebotsday

International NodeBots Day - 7/29/2017
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Recommended parts to have on hand? #18

Closed evilpacket closed 10 years ago

evilpacket commented 11 years ago

It would be nice to have a recommended parts list to have on hand so that people can construct some basic bots. I know it's not practical to have everything for every possible combination but a list of the basics to have would be good for organizers.

What I plan to have on hand already at the event.

I'm thinking wheels of some kind might be good to have on hand? Maybe 3d print some before the event

rockbot commented 11 years ago

@dshaw will probably be able to tell you in much better detail all the things that he had at the first Hardware Hack Weekend, but at JSConf, we had a whole bunch of Sparkfun Inventor's Kits, as well as more servos and LEDs than you can count.

Some of the biggest things we wished we'd remembered to get before the NodeBots event:

Other useful things:

KarbonDallas commented 11 years ago

additional essentials!

less essential, but a lot of potential: Ultrasonic sensor

Transistors are great for allowing someone to hack existing buttons to be controlled by arduino. Photoresistors can be used in combination with RGB LEDs to create a rudimentary color sensor.

Lasers are just lots of fun.

heavysixer commented 11 years ago

Would this be a good introduction to both arduino and johnny five? I am wondering if they play nicely together.

rwaldron commented 11 years ago

@heavysixer indeed. We had 10 of these at JSConf. I even proposed to my wife with one ;)

heavysixer commented 11 years ago

Awesome @rwldrn, did she accept with her own bot?

rwaldron commented 11 years ago

@heavysixer no, but she did say "yes, I will marry you" in a robot voice :D

heavysixer commented 11 years ago

@rwldrn even better.

julianduque commented 11 years ago

@rwldrn hmmm good idea.. mwahahahaha