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NodeBots Day. Next event: International NodeBots Day, 22 July 2017
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Camp JS III Melbourne + NodeBots? #10

Closed sidorares closed 10 years ago

sidorares commented 10 years ago

Would be cool to have mini nodebots session @ CampJS Melbourne. Is this something possible to organise by May 23?

ajfisher commented 10 years ago

Should be doable. What facilities are available and the expected group size? The need for reliable internet to be able to install packages and not too big a group relative to the helpers is really the key.

sidorares commented 10 years ago

I'm sure there will be internet connection, but it's very hard to scale it properly. Last time we had local npm mirror on 70gb usb stick :) - see

I'm not sure about group size - @timoxley can you give estimates for campjs iii? My guess total is around ~200 but hardware subgroup is smaller

garrows commented 10 years ago

The workshops will be limited to 20 people this year and can run up to 90 minuts with a minimum of 2 tutors. See Should be very doable.

ajfisher commented 10 years ago

90 minutes is not much time to get someone up, running and hacking on some hardware... especially given some of the related problems we've seen with getting running.

We'd need to have pre-built environments or something maybe??

garrows commented 10 years ago

Hmm that's quite true. Perhaps browserbots might be a good way to get everyone going quicker ;) I'll try to get a demo video out sometime in the next week.

MauriceButler commented 10 years ago

I actually suggested this to Tim the other day and we thought it would be good.

Your right about the setup time but hopefully most people at this event will already have dev tools installed and should be a much smoother process...

Also the workshops repeat so maybe the initial aim is get the environment setup and the sample code working. From there there is going to be heaps of people around to help with how do I us this particular sensor, etc.

What do you think the chance of getting the NICTA boards again would be?

timoxley commented 10 years ago

@annagerber ping

@ajfisher 90 minutes is just a guideline, understandably hardware will take longer. Also should try make sure there's enough units that people can take them back to their desks and work on things over the weekend; workshops are sort of supposed to be starting points/inspiration for the sunday night demos

timoxley commented 10 years ago

perhaps 90 mins is a good constraint though, pre-built environments might be a better place to start from

timoxley commented 10 years ago

we're estimating 150 total for the event, but it's hard to gauge ahead of time.

timoxley commented 10 years ago

also can we move this discussion over to