nodeca / pica

Resize image in browser with high quality and high speed
MIT License
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Resizing from <img> element results in broken output in Chrome 81 #194

Closed FarSeeing closed 4 years ago

FarSeeing commented 4 years ago

Hi. First of all - many thanks for that library! We've been using it quite a lot but recently faced several images that result in broken output when using Chrome and <img> element as source. If used in Firefox - everything's fine. If used in Chrome with <canvas> element as source (without any transformation, just drawing image) - everything's fine. Options and features don't affect this.

Original image (one of) - Corrupted result (<img> source) - Correct result (<canvas> source) - Playground for testing -

All these were taken from Chrome 81, different OSes

Many thanks in advance.

puzrin commented 4 years ago

Isn't this dupe of #190?

FarSeeing commented 4 years ago

I don't think so - no error is thrown and createImageBitmap returns data

puzrin commented 4 years ago

I've published fix for #190.

What about this one - probably they've broken something more serious in chrome 81. Is this still a problem or they fixed?

CSoellinger-IDS commented 4 years ago

I updated today to latest 5.1.1 but still have a problem at chrome (81):

Resized an image in FireFox: ImageResize_FireFox

Resized same image in Chrome: ImageResize_Chrome

(No matter about orientation, thats just another strange thing which i can handle with the exif orientation i think)

FarSeeing commented 4 years ago

@puzrin thanks for update. Unfortunately it doesn't help - createImageBitmap doesn't throw error so code in catch block is ignored.

puzrin commented 4 years ago

Does problem happen with any image? Seems they have broken createImageBitmap and this should be reported to chromium tracker. I have no technical possibility to detect correctness of createImageBitmap :(.

Disabling use of createImageBitmap it is not nice, because it can unpack image in background and prevent main thread freeze.

PS. I hope you did NOT enabled CIB option, it's not tested at all and has bad quality in chrome.

CSoellinger-IDS commented 4 years ago

For me: No, i did not enable CIB const resizedCanvas = await pica.resize(image, canvas, { unsharpAmount: 80, unsharpRadius: 0.6, unsharpThreshold: 2 });

And no it does not happen with any image. At the moment i only have the example from above cause if i try another one in Chrome: Bildschirmfoto 2020-05-18 um 11 25 47

Here is the original file which makes trouble:

FarSeeing commented 4 years ago

Same here - no, I'm not using cib (you can check the whole options set here) and no, that doesn't happen on every image.

BTW I also have EXIF issues in Chrome as @CSoellinger-IDS mentioned but I'm not sure if that's related.

puzrin commented 4 years ago

EXIF orientation processing is a separate story. Pica does not use it anyhow. Proper image file resize need more care, i refered my code sample in some prev issues. That's a lot of code and currenly out of this package scope. This package is about raw bitmap objects, not about files of specific format.

So, let's keep orientation aside. We can continue about that in prev issues, but i really don't know how to put that in current api.

Let's focus on creating reproducible bug demo (for report to chromium tracker). I currently could not reproduce problem in with Chromium 81.0.4044.138, Ubuntu 18.04.

Need help with samples:

  1. How to reproduce (via or via your test repo)
  2. Some stats - does this happens often or not (% of images or anything you think useful)
FarSeeing commented 4 years ago

@puzrin - you won't be able to reproduce issue on that demo page because it uses canvas as image source while you need img A bit of demo script:

 resizer.resize($('#src')[0], offScreenCanvas, {

where $('#src')[0] is canvas used to display original image. Sorry if that looks like I'm promoting my work but I've created simplified playground where issue is visible -

Regarding second question - sorry once again, I don't have even a slightest estimation on % of broken images. It was working perfect for quite a long time and still works for most of images but also we faced a bunch of images that are broken (and we don't have a clue why).

puzrin commented 4 years ago

Thanks, now reproducible.

So, current steps for reproduce:

  1. Go to
  2. Use attached file to see error when createImageBitmap used

One more question. Could you add here return null (force fallback) and tell me if it helps or not? Need to understand, is problem related to createImageBitmap indeed, or any partial extract from image affected.

FarSeeing commented 4 years ago

Tried this (returning early with null) - same result.

puzrin commented 4 years ago

Hm... then problem should be at this line:, and should be reproducible without pica at all.

Try to draw from [buggy] image to canvas the same regions, like pica does, and you should see problem with some. That will be minimal possible sample, easy to understand for chromium devs.

For sure - disable webworkers. Concurrency should no be an issue, but... just for sure.

PS. sorry that i ask you do something, i'm not "developper for browser" at all. Most of my experience consists of node modules browserification :)

FarSeeing commented 4 years ago

Sorry, I don't have a minimal example now, will try to create it today. What I've found so far:

Absolutely ok for helping you to debug it (since I'm interested in solving it).

puzrin commented 4 years ago

If you have any questions about pica sources - let me know.

IMO, this steps required:

Optionally - do the same in parallel for image & canvas, and compare results to automate things. But probably you will succeed with 1-2 hardcoded regions.

If succeed - create a test repo or anything permanent, and this can be reported to chromium tracker, as "Draw region from jpeg to canvas, broken data, regression in v81". When simple and easy to reproduce sample exists, chromium guys should fix fast.

FarSeeing commented 4 years ago

Ok, so I found it. Chrome 81 added image-orientation CSS property with default value from-image meaning it will take EXIF orientation from image and will display image properly. Developers can disable that by setting image-orientation: none that I applied. Now the weird part - the image that was failing is rotated 180° so the first tile that should start in upper left corner (in "proper" coordinates) starts in lower right corner (again in "proper" coordinates) but the tile itself is rotated.

Could be difficult to understand at first so here's the scheme: image

I'm not sure but it seems to be a bug in Chrome or some weird decision that maybe controlled somehow (although not obviously)

CSoellinger-IDS commented 4 years ago

What helps for the moment is creating a canvas... doing it like this:

export default class Canvas {
  static async fromImage(image) {
    const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
    canvas.width = image.width;
    canvas.height = image.height;
    canvas.getContext('2d').drawImage(image, 0, 0);

    return canvas;

  static async toImage(canvas) {
    const image = new Image();
    image.src = canvas.toDataURL('image/png');
    return image;

Then resize:

const canvasImage = await Canvas.fromImage(image);

const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
canvas.width = calculateImageSizes.width;
canvas.height = calculateImageSizes.height;

const resizedCanvas = await pica.resize(canvasImage, canvas, {
  unsharpAmount: 100,
  unsharpRadius: 1,
  unsharpThreshold: 1,

Getting this result:

Bildschirmfoto 2020-05-19 um 09 35 09

FarSeeing commented 4 years ago

Guys, I'm closing this issue since that's not the library case, it's already been reported to Chromium tam way before me -

puzrin commented 4 years ago

@FarSeeing thank you for investigation and details. Today received Chrome 83.0.4103.61 in update (from Google). Seems to work. Are your setups autofixed?

Ubuntu's Chromium (NOT Chrome!) still 81.0.4044.138, but i think will be updated soon.

BTW, may be someone has time to kick chrome devs about #89 (see link inside). Problem is, this feature was released with bad image quality, and blocks it's usage. I succeeded to prove problem in chromium tracker. But ticket was postponed multiple times and silently trashed.

As i said, i'm not "dev for browser", and can't focus for a long time on such kind of activities. It stays open as reminder, but without move forward. If any help about technical details needed - i'm always here.

FarSeeing commented 4 years ago

@puzrin - that issue was indeed fixed version 83 but it raised another issue - now drawImage in Chrome returns data for properly rotated image while other browsers still return it "as is" (rotated) and now I need to make a workaround for that but that's still a step forward.

Regarding other issue - alas I don't have direct contact to Chromium/Chrome devs so the only thing I can do (and I did) is to star the issue.

puzrin commented 4 years ago

but it raised another issue - now drawImage in Chrome returns data for properly rotated image while other browsers still return it "as is" (rotated) and now I need to make a workaround for that but that's still a step forward.

IMO this is NOT about drawImage only. As far as i understand ALL image properties should be emulated (width, height) to work as with rotated image.

So, resize should be ok, BUT problem is it unsyncs with EXIF processing logic. I'm not sure this should be handled in pica, but it certaintly should be handled somehow.

If you do EXIF processing, I see 2 possible solutions:

  1. Intruding. Force image-orientation: none and leave everything else as is. If you create image from file and not use it anywhere - that's ok.
  2. Use special 1*2px image to detect if image-orientation supported and active, and drop orientation from EXIF.

What about pica - IMO it would be enougth to add warning into readme, "If you do additional EXIF-based processing, make set image-orientation: none for input image objects to avoid conflicts". May be this needs better sample for correct fallback to other browsers.

Let me know what do you think.

puzrin commented 4 years ago

Just for reference:

There is example how images are processed in my project (it rebuilds and transfer EXIF-s). Including intelligent streamed parse & tags strip. It's a bit sophisticated, but i could not invent anything more simple without side effects.

In ideal world, that should be arranged to standalone package (wrapper around pica), specially for blobs (files) resize. This did not happened because lack of motivation. Until no commercial companies offered anything interesting, i suggest anyone to reuse those sources "as is" and "as you wish" (MIT). I'm not greedy about my code :).

FarSeeing commented 4 years ago

Well, that's the issue - image-orientation doesn't work for canvas for some reason. Even if you set image-orientation: none canvas functions will still behave wrong (yep, I may be really-really wrong here but quick test reveals that). So yes, that are solutions but they all come to double-processing image.

I use similar uploader and it does these steps:

  1. load file into url,
  2. process file to extract EXIF orientation,
  3. resize image with pica
  4. rotate resulting canvas based on extracted orientation (if needed).

Now it seems that I will have to add one step before resizing. Not critical but still not perfect.

puzrin commented 4 years ago

@FarSeeing could you review API of this draft ?

I'd like to release it as standalone module (and micrate my apps to it). Is that ok for your needs or something missed?

PS. Internals (jpeg plugins) are not finished yet, but this should work in couple of days.

FarSeeing commented 4 years ago

@puzrin - I haven't checked that app "in the wild" but it examined that code and (here I may be totally wrong) it doesn't work around Chrome orientation issue. What is that issue: Chrome 83 fixed canvas method of drawing images but it's totally different from Firefox in the way of treating EXIF orientation: while FF returns original (not rotated) image, Chrome tires to rotate it. Thus you just get some image but don't really know if you should or should not rotate it. I've managed to solve this buy first removing orientation tag at all (but still storing its value), applying pica resize and then rotating image if needed.

Sorry, as I mentioned I may be deadly wrong here.

puzrin commented 4 years ago

Code for patching orientation of input blob is commented out, because not ready. It will be alive soon. But my question is about public API Is it good or something missed?

FarSeeing commented 4 years ago

@puzrin - yep, missed that. Regarding API itself - I'm not the best match to describe because I already solved issues manually but from what I see that could be really useful for someone else who faces same problem I had.

puzrin commented 4 years ago - released.