nodeconf / EU-CFP

Call for participation for 2015
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Wiring the Internet with Node.js on AWS Lambda #1

Open sandro-pasquali opened 9 years ago

sandro-pasquali commented 9 years ago

Networked services with focused, clear inputs and predictable outputs compose many of the revolutionary applications Node developers are delivering.

Because Node has arrived at a time when nearly every major subsystem of a scalable, enterprise application can be elevated to the cloud (account management to databases; email systems to CC transactions), Node developers are typically programming the network using the vocabulary of APIs, some of which they are writing themselves. AWS is of course a major player here; Lambda is a paradigm shift.

I think it would be exciting to your attendees for me to talk about the work we've been doing creating a visual programming environment enabling developers to express new product ideas quickly using these tools. Think IFTTT, but with a focus on how service composition is more an idea management theory than a technical advance, where the removal of many scaling and deployment and cost concerns has freed up time to think about smart application design. They will learn all the protocol and event goodness they need to know, but will be inspired to think differently about how they approach problems, design solutions, and execute on those ideas using Node best practices. An open platform will be introduced that they can immediately start sketching with.