nodeconf / EU-CFP

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Replacing built-in require #12

Open bahmutov opened 9 years ago

bahmutov commented 9 years ago


The Node require method that loads source files, compiles and caches them is ok, but could be made a lot more powerful. Luckily one can replace the built-in require in user space without much effort. In this presentation I will show how to

I will base the presentation explaining the module loading logic and the javascript tricks (like faking lexical scope) that allowed me to implement the following interesting projects:

Gleb Bahmutov is JavaScript ninja, image processing expert and software quality fanatic. After receiving a PhD in computer science from Purdue University, Gleb worked on laser scanners, 3D reconstruction, and panorama-based virtual tours at EveryScape. Later Gleb switched to writing browser data visualization software at MathWorks. After a year, Gleb went back to the startup environment and developed software quality analysis tools at uTest (now Applause). Today Gleb is developing real-time financial analysis tools at Kensho. He blogs about software development topics at and links his projects at You can follow him and his work @bahmutov