nodeconf / EU-CFP

Call for participation for 2015
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How do you deal with runtime errors? #16

Open bahmutov opened 9 years ago

bahmutov commented 9 years ago

What happens when there is an exception in your JavaScript code? Does the application crash? Does it show an error message to the user? Does it send the information to the developer? In this presentation I will show how to improve the quality of your JavaScript apps without spending a lot of time testing.

My main tools to guarantee good quality are:

Anyone tired of deploying websites and services only to see them break apart, or exhausted from banging on the app before deployment should attend this presentation.

speaker bio

Gleb Bahmutov is JavaScript ninja, image processing expert and software quality fanatic. After receiving a PhD in computer science from Purdue University, Gleb worked on laser scanners, 3D reconstruction, and panorama-based virtual tours at EveryScape. Later Gleb switched to writing browser data visualization software at MathWorks. After a year, Gleb went back to the startup environment and developed software quality analysis tools at uTest (now Applause). Today Gleb is developing real-time financial analysis tools at Kensho. He blogs about software development topics at and links his projects at You can follow him and his work @bahmutov