nodeconf / EU-CFP

Call for participation for 2015
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Creating a Dashboard from Reporting APIs #23

Open ghost opened 9 years ago

ghost commented 9 years ago

While many systems have various APIs for reporting usage, frequently these systems don’t have exactly the information you need tied together. Different stakeholders want different information, and sometimes developers are tasked with integrating this information into existing monitoring dashboards. When the system itself doesn’t provide historical data, that data needs to be cached on the customer side, adding an additional level of complexity.

This talk will demonstrate a couple examples of the creation of a dashboard with real-time and historical data for traffic, purge queues, alerts and trends. Methods for storing data to support the dashboard will be discussed, as well as strategies for tying together different representations of the same resources.

Speaker Bio

Kirsten Hunter is an unapologetic hacker and passionate advocate for the development community. Her technical interests range from graph databases to cloud services, and her experience supporting and evangelizing REST APIs has given her a unique perspective on developer success. In her copious free time she’s a gamer, fantasy reader, and all around rabble-rouser. Code samples, recipes, and philosophical musings can be found at