nodeconf / EU-CFP

Call for participation for 2015
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Documentation Driven Development #32

Closed alistairstead closed 2 years ago

alistairstead commented 9 years ago


This presentation plots a course to answer one question; are the tools we are using to develop quality software the best tools for the task.

Having practiced and preached TDD then BDD within various communities for nearly a decade I have always held the belief that tools should not get in the way of moving forward. Tools should instead drive you forward and great tooling can be an extension of your abilities, helping you achieve great results faster.

Tools such as Blueprint and Dredd provide an alternative and I believe more relevant Behaviour Driven Development tool for projects that deliver an API.

Attendees will leave this presentation with awareness of the tools that can be used to document and test a RESTful API as well as a possible strategy for adoption within their teams based on the experiences shared.


Alistair Stead is CTO at Alistair has been developing software in multiple technologies since before 2000 and has helped many enterprise clients from the UK and Europe realise complex software solutions. Alistair has a keen interest in development tooling and workflows and holds dear the idea that you should question your tool selection frequently. Alistair is a tinkerer someone that likes to pull things apart to understand how they work. Putting them back in exactly the same order to serve exactly the same purpose is optional.