nodeconf / EU-CFP

Call for participation for 2015
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The dirty secrets of building large, highly available, scalable HTTP APIs #38

Open dschenkelman opened 9 years ago

dschenkelman commented 9 years ago


Most HTTP APIs sites show how to implement the GET /hello sample and provide a list of links that developers can use to get more information about different topics. While those are definitely useful, large APIs that are to be consumed by other developers span a range of cross-cutting concerns that is hard to be aware of when you start to build them. In this talk we will go over some of these concerns, such as authentication, authorization, documentation, validation, rate limiting, geo-redundancy, and no downtime deployments, and will provide specific examples based on what we do at Auth0 with hapi.js and io.js.


Damian is an engineer at Auth0 working on making the core scalable and performant. He loves learning about JavaScript, its performance specifics and contributing to OSS.